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Enhancement: Why no light/dark teams instead of red/blue?

Prox Kolari

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I'm not opposed to the idea of teams made of red/blue, but I think the obvious teams here should be LIGHT/DARK.


This leads to another bit of thinking. If Raven had made the teams Light/Dark instead of an arbitrary red/blue, they might have seen whatever force power balancing issues players are having with the game right now. While I *feel* the Light side is weaker overall, it can't really be proved. So trials with all light versus all dark may show that dark wins more often, so tweaking is required. (Or vice versa -- I do feel there's an imbalance.)


I'm not against red/blue, that's okay (although it doesn't make that much sense to have Jedi teaming up with Sith). But there should also be a Light/Dark teams option. If it were enforced I think we'd see which side of the force is currently too strong.


Plus it makes more sense for Star Wars. I think the arbitrary nature of red/blue makes it feel like the MP was tacked on. It's like having Wolfenstein MP, and there's Nazis and Allies, but Nazis can team with Allies in order to fight the other side which is also composed of Nazis and Allies. It doesn't fit the sensibilities of the Star Wars license.

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There IS a Light/Dark team option -- right there in the Team Server window. And unless I've totally misinterpreted what it does (I have yet to play on a server with it implemented) -- this is exactly what you're asking for.


This game has the deepest and most configurable multiplayer component of anything I've seen in a while -- you just have to take the time to explore it.


And then hope server operators do the same.



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Did some bot testing. Yes, you can do dark/light teams, but you can't force dark/light character models, which is kinda off-premise. In Raven's last game, Elite Force, you could chose species teams -- Klingons vs. Humans, etc.


I let the bots go at it on their own and they tied most of the time. But, of course, they aren't like annoying human players. :)


One thing to realize about Raven right now -- the Jedi team is probably on vacation. This is typical after a big crunch time release. Hopefully they'll be back soon and not all asigned to SOF II so they can address a few balance issues in a patch.



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You guys know the complaints -- Absorb doesn't last long enough and the blue glow says "hi, wait three seconds, then grip my ass." I know -- that's when you rush him with your saber. But you have to admit, it's an uphill battle for Light side. Maybe if Light side got a lightsaber attack bonus -- drain all the force you want, but the Lightsider still has one ace in the hole, and that's slightly better saber damage.


Maybe there's a way to get like, 50% of the Dark bots to favor only lightning/grip/drain, and 50% of the Light bots to favor absorb/protect/heal, just to see what would happen.


I maintain that the Light side's defenses aren't enough to counter the Dark side's cheapness, but I REALLY want to believe it and I'm trying to avoid whining. I think Raven put a lot of thought into JK2, but every game needs some tweaking after release.

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Light side is harder -- Dark side is easier (cheap??) -- so everyone HATES Darksiders.


That's so perfect if you ask me. We're suppose to hate evil.


I am able to destroy about 75% of drain/grippers -- especially noobs. Confirm thier side and style during spectator waiting. If they're the truly cheap "drain you right away" types (instead of the cooler "only drain when you need health" type), you gotta switch on your absorb right away and go in for the kill shot first thing. The rest is absorb timing. I'm also comfortable fighting with no force remaining and lots of kicks.


Everything will come together as soon as the SDK is out. I give it another month, maybe two, before we'll have more variety than we can handle in this game.



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Nice that you are supposed to hate them, but that doesn't take this into effect that the game is supposed to be balanced. Drain really does need to be nerfed somehow, that is for sure. If not, absorb needs some massive changes, and heal should possibly be boosted or require less force. Or something, just tossing out ideas.

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