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Stop Complaining


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Unless it's a real patch necessity like "It doesn't work on my graphics card", "It crashes all the time", etc..


Someone who dies all the time from heavy stance saberers

--- Heavy stance sucks - take it out


People who die from grip, lightning, drain

--- Force powers are not balanced, blah blah blah


People who get shot while holding a saber

--- So many gun *****s... noobs


I can't shoot someone with a saber

--- The saber is too powerful, i can't shoot him from long range and close range my head gets chopped off


If Raven actually listened to everyone on their boards, then this game would have no sabers, no guns, no force powers and people would be running around trying to punch each other

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Man you are so right no one should ever ask for a game balance.


Lets face facts when develpoers make games they are absolutely perfect, and require no additional balancing.


Even if the developers think they game is imbalanced after a release they should just quit being pussies and not balance it.


In fact its impossible for any game maker to release a game with an imbalance that was not discovered in house testing.


I don't think they should fix any exploits either.


So please no one ever post their suggestions for a game balance because its all just whining.

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Man you are so right no one should ever ask for a game balance.


Lets face facts when develpoers make games they are absolutely perfect, and require no additional balancing.


Even if the developers think they game is imbalanced after a release they should just quit being pussies and not balance it.


In fact its impossible for any game maker to release a game with an imbalance that was not discovered in house testing.


I don't think they should fix any exploits either.


So please no one ever post their suggestions for a game balance because its all just whining.





missed your sarcasam tags there dude......




people would be running around trying to punch each other


dont you mean stun baton each other..........:D :D :D

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Cant we all just get along? There are a fair amount of pussies out there along with the people w/ real concerns. I'm sure the Raven folks are working in shifts reading every post on this forum & coding all night until they eddress every one of our concerns, right? :p


IMHO as for patches they should prioritize fixing crashes, incompatibility issues, then stick to balance issues.

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Too many whiners on the internet nowdays. Everyone has a problem with everything.. really starting to agitate me.


To me, it's not the things people whine about, but the way the whine. It sounds so... whiney. I'm sick and tired of it... either grow up or shut up, I say.

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If someone cannot shoot someone else who has a sabre, then the gunner is a pisspoor one.


I love sabres, i think they are great, but if someone is kicking my butt by using strong sabre stance, i WILL switch to guns, and i WILL hit them. I don't want to hear how it cannot be done because i do it all the time. And i don't like hearing how you start with crap for guns and the only good one is the repeater. I've KILLED people by charging my bryar pistol ALL the way and getting a shot off on the side or on their leg or something. NO it doesn't happen ofton, but if you get your timming and AIM down its not overly hard to kill a sabre user. A few nights ago i topped out at 1st on a server with 20 people on it. How? I used guns. MOST of them were using sabres. I have found that many many people who use sabres seem to think that the sabre gives them some invincibility or whatever like in the movies. When someone goes for the heavy swing to try and kill me, and they get a fully charged bryar blas in the chest....and they die. That is their own fault for using a style that has such a huge windup. I also find it funny how people will force pull my gun from me, but will complain when i force push them off a ledge and force push and knock them down and then kill them.


I have found that people will complain about everything and it doesn't matter what it is. You could release a perfect game, an absolute flawless gem of a game, and someone would say "this is too perfect, i don't play games because they mirror reality, i play them because they immitate fantasy and this game sucks because its too real" trust me.


I am glad the devs ignore the whines, keep it up devs!

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Thing is majority rules, the Majority 80-90% according to the Patch Thread want sabers balanced againts guns more. Really that is understandable if you take a real look at the balance and not just go off and say 'Well if he's shooting you shoot back'. JK2 is about sabers, if you don;'t like that go back to Quake 3, RTCW or Renegade. It was same with Jk1 people complaining about sabers and stuff but that never got changed, but Ravensoft is paying attention and they hopefully will address the major issues.


I do have to admit lots go overboard with the 'balancing' thing. And another thing is games are never perfect after release, expecially MP ones they always need balancing unless they go through EXTENSIVE testing before hand, personally I look forward to patches that make JK2 even more playable and fun in MP.

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Tree, you are stupid. You missed the whole point of the post. There might be a few imbalances in the game but none that are worth complaining about or have an obvious fix.


And if you seen half the whiner posts lately then you would agree with me.


People come back and complain about whatever kills them. It's a fact. No one likes getting killed, especially by the same thing, over and over and over and over again.


Another fact, everyone does what it takes to kill the other person (within being honorable and not killing people who are typing and have their saber down - HOPEFULLY)


That there are complaints about everything (guns, force, and even saber stances) means that the game is pretty balanced.


So before you reply (TREE) with a smart*** comment, think first

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Lets face facts when develpoers make games they are absolutely perfect, and require no additional balancing.


Yeah, I know! I mean, I played WW2OL and it was AWESOME the first week! Then everyone complained for no reason and it was changed! Golly, I hate whiners! :)

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People have a right to complain. If we didn't, there'd be little point even coming to the forums. Here's the trick: If you don't like it, don't contribute!!! That simple. There needs to be a thread for everyone, dude. And if that means having a thread for whiney little noobs who think that heavy stance-user suck, well, let 'em.


Personally, I find heavy stance useless... Medium and Fast are the way for me. I don't even use guns anymore. For me, part of the fun is hunting for the prey. If a guy's far away, I go into stealth mode, and move in for the kill. On occasion, I run out of mana a little too soon, though...


'Sabers don't offer invincibility, like you said. But in the hands of a skilled player, they're pretty damned close. Coupled with Force Pushing projectiles back at gun-users, Jedi can be leathal in the right hands. I, too, have topped out on the boards, usually ranging from 15 to 20. And I can usually go through with no deaths. One or two if people gang up on me.. Lousy, jealous newbies.... Grrrr...

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it's the people that whine about stuff that is balanced, sure if they made sabers one hit kill on every stance, and you could throw the saber across the map and use it like a 5ft long bullet that can change directions in mid-air and have a little home-beacon on the enemy, then yea, there are balancing issues.




It's called practice and find counters to other people's strategy. Not ask raven to change the game so that any strategy that can beat you is taken out

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... sure if they made sabers one hit kill on every stance, and you could throw the saber across the map and use it like a 5ft long bullet that can change directions in mid-air and have a little home-beacon on the enemy ...


I like it! icon14.gif

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Originally posted by Swingman

Tree, you are stupid. You missed the whole point of the post. There might be a few imbalances in the game but none that are worth complaining about or have an obvious fix.


And if you seen half the whiner posts lately then you would agree with me.


People come back and complain about whatever kills them. It's a fact. No one likes getting killed, especially by the same thing, over and over and over and over again.


Another fact, everyone does what it takes to kill the other person (within being honorable and not killing people who are typing and have their saber down - HOPEFULLY)


That there are complaints about everything (guns, force, and even saber stances) means that the game is pretty balanced.


So before you reply (TREE) with a smart*** comment, think first


Right, ok got you.


If there are imbalances in the game no one should ever bring them up in the forums. Because as everyone knows that will get them solved.


Everyone knows game makers hate feedback. And they cannot tell the difference between n00b posts and valid arguments about imbalances.


Now we are on the same page. Sorry for the confusion.

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Wes Janson, sure people have the right to complain about the game or stuff that should be added but not for personal reasons (unless it has to do with non-combatibility issues with their computer - which is a personal reason) The complaints should be something that would make the game better (usually meaning not running to the forums after someone kicks your butt complaining about it)


Good complaints and stuff i'd like to see

- A message that comes up at top of screen saying "Not enough force power" - in the heat of the moment i tend to get mad when a force isn't working and think i'm not hitting the key hard enough LOL.


- Duel Challenges should be easier, make it so you can bring down a list and select who you want to challenge (like the list for kicking people off server)


Anyway, those are complaints that i believe to be of the type that would benifit more then just me and those who fight like me

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Yup, as I understand it they are already working on a patch for balance issues, and others. Many to do with issues that have been brought up by so called "whiners"


Apparently Raven doesn't think they are simply whiners.

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