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Raven: Saber throwing during duels is out of control


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Originally posted by Swamp



yeah you idolt block it! ... you are such an idolt ... :p


...then later...


Originally posted by Swamp




When you seek to demean others by correcting their typos and spellling mistakes, make sure that you never, ever make the same mistake.

Did I "clarify" that enough for you?

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Originally posted by Hobo[RXz]

Sithdrone, you spark me as a icy and remorseless man - it chills my bones just to look at you.


Your simplistic arguement disgusts me to the utmost extreme. My stomach was filled with an acidic bile that distorted my facial features when I read your insufficient post. The fact that you lack the finesse and grace required not only to utilise a lightsabre, but to master it is a great disservice to yourself, and a dishonour to your family. The basic idea that you lack the skill required to defend yourself against all forms of attack is one that is laughable, and one that shows your dissipated morals and value-system.


You sir, are a disgrace to all those who show true poise and purpose when ever they swing their sabre with mastery and knowledge that surpasses The Great Library of Egypt. You insidious ideals and the fact that you have to enter this forum and immediatly attempt to put across an already invalid and obsolete point shows your complete lack of respect to the Jedi Order.


I cannot fathom the degree in which you openly desacrate us sabre purists by posting this ignorant compilation of thrown out household goods that represent the basis of your post, and all subsequent posts that you have made so far within this thread.


I sentance you to two life sentances, one for each of your victims. SO BE IT. *hits gavel*





I don't know if I agree, but that is just F*N FUNNY!!! LMAO!!!


If you duel with sabers, like you duel with words, you will be king of da world! :)


- Vorax

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Wow, now that everyone is holding Sithdrone by the ears and gang-banging him in the "Jedi Bacta Chute"...I figure I'll jump in here and give him props.


I think too many people in *THIS* thread are so enamored with the game they refuse to see that their could possibly be anything wrong with the game! At the same time it never ceases to amaze me, when someone holds up a "cheap win" tactic as "HEY ITS IN THE GAME AHAHAHAHHAH A HAX0R IS ME!!".


In AoEII there was a lame Teuton win, then a lame Chinese tactic, in SWGB the Wookies had a wood bug, as well as many other imbalances... all fixed in PATCHES. Team Fortess Classic? Tribes 1/2? Play imbalances? Yes. Fixed with patches, yes!


In my opinion, anything repetitive gets LAME. Sithdrone, I think its impossible to saber throw every 2 seconds, HOWEVER, I do understand where you are coming from. Running around exploiting drain/grip, or saber throw is gay, lame, and ruins everyone's game experience.


Taking a page from [PMV]Joker's thread. I have found duels with people that use "personality" and style to be alot more fun. I just started playing this game a few days ago, and my first two days I hoped on slashing constantly and dying quickly. I find myself refining me key layouts, and trying to use an arsenal of powers to win, not just PUSH PULL PUSH PULL HACK PUSH PULL HACK PULL HACK


I can bind that two three keys and just keep pushing them over and over.. FUN! (*No, it isn't).


My 3rd game in JK2 online was on the Nar Shadda level, and I almost stopped playing MP outright, everyone was just pushing.. THAT'S IT. I was hoping they would turn guns on, because it would get INSANELY BORING. I mean by the time I would ACTUALLY get into a saber confrontation, some fool would rush in and push everyone over a cliff. Ok, yes its part of the game... but it felt kinda ****ty, and after a while I kept saying "There's gotta be more to this game than pushing, they shoulda called this game Jedi Knight 2: The Birth Process - I SEE THE HEAD.. KYLE PUSSHHH!H!!"


It wasn't until the following day, I decided to give it another shot, this time I picked a none cliff map, and I saw this one dude, alias "Officer DOofy"... funny alias, GREAT PLAYER. He dominated the map, hanging on top of the columns, crouched saber off...when I walked up to him, he did 1 saber throw, which I blocked, I followed with my own, and he did an acrobatic flip over my head and did a downward slash, dunno why I flipped on protection instead of rolling, but I didn't suffer as badly as I was screwed without my saber momentarily. he then dueled he pulled me over and I managed to block his attack, jumped over him blocked again and scored two hits on him, I noticed that the second hit killed his personal shields and he was weak... he ran away and wall walked across the edge, turned around and as I was chasing him, crouched and did a lunge... very smooth.. and I died...


My next thought was.. NOW THIS is what makes the game good...



I think Sith's point is that creative gameplay is a million times better than repetitive stupidity, I'm sure they will release a patch, probably enhance force powers like protection and rage, and reducing a few drain/grip perhaps?

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Originally posted by WhiteChedda



17, quotes something about teenagers, then goes on to agree as if he isn't one. Nothing personal, just recalling when I was that age is all. Did the exact same thing.


well it's true .. im 17 but i agree that alot of the people that ruin games are in my age bracket ...

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Originally posted by Threetall


...then later...




When you seek to demean others by correcting their typos and spellling mistakes, make sure that you never, ever make the same mistake.

Did I "clarify" that enough for you?



... i hate it when that happens, makes me look dumb ... but you see, idolt is a word (i have just been informed) it is some new ... insult?...

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Originally posted by WhiteChedda



Some people should LEAD by example, you're one of them. You have done NO different in this post than the young man or woman did in the post you quoted, sir. Hollier than thou seems to be a spreading disease around here lately. :c3po:




... i don't think so ...


i didn't say anything mean to that particular person other than the post being somewhat immature .. i did not call the person an idiot or stupid or what ever, so my anger was directed to his post, not the post maker...


and if you will also note, i apologized to him afterwards ...

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Originally posted by Dvlos

Wow, now that everyone is holding Sithdrone by the ears and gang-banging him in the "Jedi Bacta Chute"...I figure I'll jump in here and give him props.


I think too many people in *THIS* thread are so enamored with the game they refuse to see that their could possibly be anything wrong with the game! At the same time it never ceases to amaze me, when someone holds up a "cheap win" tactic as "HEY ITS IN THE GAME AHAHAHAHHAH A HAX0R IS ME!!".


In AoEII there was a lame Teuton win, then a lame Chinese tactic, in SWGB the Wookies had a wood bug, as well as many other imbalances... all fixed in PATCHES. Team Fortess Classic? Tribes 1/2? Play imbalances? Yes. Fixed with patches, yes!


In my opinion, anything repetitive gets LAME. Sithdrone, I think its impossible to saber throw every 2 seconds, HOWEVER, I do understand where you are coming from. Running around exploiting drain/grip, or saber throw is gay, lame, and ruins everyone's game experience.


Taking a page from [PMV]Joker's thread. I have found duels with people that use "personality" and style to be alot more fun. I just started playing this game a few days ago, and my first two days I hoped on slashing constantly and dying quickly. I find myself refining me key layouts, and trying to use an arsenal of powers to win, not just PUSH PULL PUSH PULL HACK PUSH PULL HACK PULL HACK


I can bind that two three keys and just keep pushing them over and over.. FUN! (*No, it isn't).


My 3rd game in JK2 online was on the Nar Shadda level, and I almost stopped playing MP outright, everyone was just pushing.. THAT'S IT. I was hoping they would turn guns on, because it would get INSANELY BORING. I mean by the time I would ACTUALLY get into a saber confrontation, some fool would rush in and push everyone over a cliff. Ok, yes its part of the game... but it felt kinda ****ty, and after a while I kept saying "There's gotta be more to this game than pushing, they shoulda called this game Jedi Knight 2: The Birth Process - I SEE THE HEAD.. KYLE PUSSHHH!H!!"


It wasn't until the following day, I decided to give it another shot, this time I picked a none cliff map, and I saw this one dude, alias "Officer DOofy"... funny alias, GREAT PLAYER. He dominated the map, hanging on top of the columns, crouched saber off...when I walked up to him, he did 1 saber throw, which I blocked, I followed with my own, and he did an acrobatic flip over my head and did a downward slash, dunno why I flipped on protection instead of rolling, but I didn't suffer as badly as I was screwed without my saber momentarily. he then dueled he pulled me over and I managed to block his attack, jumped over him blocked again and scored two hits on him, I noticed that the second hit killed his personal shields and he was weak... he ran away and wall walked across the edge, turned around and as I was chasing him, crouched and did a lunge... very smooth.. and I died...


My next thought was.. NOW THIS is what makes the game good...



I think Sith's point is that creative gameplay is a million times better than repetitive stupidity, I'm sure they will release a patch, probably enhance force powers like protection and rage, and reducing a few drain/grip perhaps?


i feel most of the people not agreeing with him bring up valid points, when you throw yor saber you lose force points which prevents you from doing it too much, it is relatively easy to avoid, i havn't seen 1 person do the saber throw constantly so i don't know where he got that whole 98 out 100 figure ...


i just feel he is wrong, although i can see a very good point about how annoying it is...

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It's just a game!!!!

I saber throw whenever I want because I CAN!!

Who cares about honor in a video game?

All you people who act like your some kind of Computer God

because you've been playing PC games forever need to get

off your high horse and realize that it's just a game.

If the game doesn't fit into your standards of how it should be played, then DON'T PLAY!!!! Find another game and quit *****in'!!

I am a newbie myself (everyone's a newbie, the game's only

been out a few weeks). So cracking on newbies isn't right either.

If the game allows it , i'm gonna use it.

I think this is a great game, but agree it has some drawbacks.

But I know it's just a game and people will play how they want.

If I don't like how someone's playing, I try to kick them

or find a new game.


It's that simple.



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Originally posted by Threetall


...then later...




When you seek to demean others by correcting their typos and spellling mistakes, make sure that you never, ever make the same mistake.

Did I "clarify" that enough for you?



..and i wasn't trying to insult him or demean him ... i was joking, hence the :p at the end of my post ...


sorry if i came off as an ass?

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You know whats really funny Sithdrone?


This is just a freaking game, so get a life.


I know your type. Your probably a fat, white


male, age 35. Who lives in his parent's basement, and


thinks that he is the ultimate dungeoun master!!!


:sweating: it's Sithdrone

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your entire post reaks of dis-respect and immature hatred ... this is proof that what he said was more or less true about the young people hurting games ... why be so mean ?


Perhaps he was responding to the inherent immaturity of SithProbe's post, I found it rude and inapropriate-- my experience adults are bigger jerks (and I am an adult thank you very much) because we have more practice. I think if someone is inflamed by a rude post it is understandable that he would be rude in turn.


I found SithProbe's entire post rather irnonic as it complained about immaturity and cheapness in an immature and cheap way. It is rather typical of gamers to complain about a tactic that they find difficult to adapt to and call it 'cheap' it is a thoughtless complaint derived of bruised ego. Saber throw is, in most situations, not a sound tactic, people that use it all the time are most likely new to the game and don't realize that against skilled players they will lose using only one attack that eventually runs out of energy.


A better way to deal with the situation would have been to devise a tactic to condition repetitve saber tossers to cut down on it, thus helping to solve the problem and not simply shouting at whoever will listen. If at thwat stage he could not devise a solid strategy, it would have been a good time to post and ask for advice. I think that would be the more mature way to behave...

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That is what I meant when I wrote "its impossible to throw a saber every two seconds"... obviously the farther it goes the more Force it chews up, and there is only so many time you can you chuck it before the player runs out of Force.


I think he exagerated^10 ... but I don't know if he meant to or not, I think repetitive mindless playing on any game, RTS/Shooter/MMORPG ruins the game.

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The only time I will use saber throw in a duel is when my opponent insists on using nothing but heavy stance, esp. that n00b jump+attack 1 hit kill move (I had one person *****ing about me using that and they refused to duel me anymore).


Sometimes I'll do it to spice up a duel, but I don't do it every two seconds, and I don't have a problem if my opponent does it occasionally, hell, it's part of the game, and we're still using the lightsaber, not some Drain+Grip/Lightning combo that gets old after three seconds...


Oh, if someone throws their saber at you, you can:


1. Pull them so that they fall towards you leaving them open for a nice quick hack (they also loose their saber for a few seconds).

2. Move to the side.

3. Stand there and BLOCK IT.

4. Jump.

5. Throw YOUR saber at them.


Practice man, practice!

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it is people like sithdrone that give whiners their name


eat a dick sithdrone

yep, and it's people like sico and comments like yours that give kiddies on the net their reputation.


so how about stop the name calling, insulting and starting stupid assumptions about who is what kind of cliche, ok?


he hates to see people throw their saber all the time and he's got a point in saying that it kills the fun of LIGHTSABER duels (maybe some of you know the difference between a saber and a boomerang).


yep, he flamed and YES a whole bunch of idi... sorry.. 'mature' guys started to flame back instead of just ignoring it so he's definitely not the only one who shoud 'get a life', 'get ****ed' or whatever. or maybe the age to post on a board should be increased to 21 as it seems even some of the 18 year old 'mature' posters act like they're waaaaay below 13.


so could we PLEASE return to the discussion about constant saber throwing and voicing your opinion instead of this childish flame war (or how about not starting the same old 'whiner-leet elite' topic over and over again, because EVERY SINGLE thread where someone isnt content with the game mechanics ends up exactly the same)

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