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question about g_saberrealisticcombat


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yea type it in like that and you will be able to dismember people, although some dont like it, and i though i wouldnt either because im not realy into gory games, but i have to admit its pretty tight taking of a reborn's head in slow-mo after a saber battle.:D

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Keep in mind the difference between g_realisticSaberCombat and the other dismemberment options.


g_realisticSaberCombat is considered a cheat (that's why you have to preced the command with helpUsObi 1), because what it does (seemingly) is make your saber lethal even when you're not attacking (i.e., it causes full damage even if you didn't click the attack button). As a result, it makes the duels much easier than they should be: a single clumsy wave of the saber can cut a powerful enemy in half. To me, this detracts from the duels rather than enhancing them. You never experience the back-and-forth parrying and counter-attacking that makes the duels so cool.


On the other hand, you can use these two commands:

g_dismemberment 3

g_dismemberProbabilities 0


...for a more satisfying modification to the duels. They aren't cheats, because they don't make the fights easier. They just make it possible for the enemies to be decapitated, cut in half, and dismembered, and it happens much more often than by default. (From what I can tell, setting the first command to 1 instead of 3 limits dismemberment to hands, forearms, and whole arms.) It really enhances the saber-throwing, too.


good luck.

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BTW, if you do choose to use the cheat version of dismemberment, you can set it to 3 instead of 1, i.e.,


g_realisticSaberCombat 3


That seems to make it so that all you have to do is make a slight gesture with your saber and your opponent falls dead in pieces. Probably this would happen all the time if people were really walking around with unprotected energy beams shooting out of their grips, but it doesn't make the game very fun.


For the best fights, I still recommend g_dismemberment 3 and g_dismemberProbabilities 0.



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i would just like to say that having the realistic saber thing on is good because it makes the sabers like they would be, for instance if you acctually had a saber and you "stroked" someone with it they will get all sliced into two like wit realistic mode on, they wouldnt just fiz like they do with realistic saber off. so bla.

but i have it off cos i like my saber battles to go on 4 ages unless i spawn like 40 reborn then i have it on cos you can run in and slash them to peices

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