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Congratulations LucasArts!!!

Guest Bret

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Just wanted to congrat LA on their efforts to get us players more involved in the development of their games. It's really a new step in game community.


I'm a veteran from the SWG forums myself (vet reader, only recently started posting). Even though it's a bit too late for us to directly interfere with most of the game's development now, I hope other games will get their community sites as well.


Either way, thank you LA for letting us to be in more touch with the developers of your games!!!




PS: No, I'm not sucking up neither licking arse :p

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Guest Tie Guy

Yes, how nice of them.


But you can't forget the admins who set this up, they did a lot too.


So....Thanks all.

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Guest Rogue15

tie guy, quit flattering the mods and get your butt back over at roguesquadron.net where you belong. this is my turf 'cause i arrived here first. :p

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Guest Tie Guy

Maybe, but i got here second. I'm not flattering them, it's true, they did all the work to put up this site, not just LEC. Why do you care, you're already a mod over at RS.net.

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Guest Superdog

We all seem to be getting a little crazy here, so I'll do my Maul impression. :maul: GRRRRR.... [i'm mute, damn I wonna hit on Amidala, but I keep scaring her away] Grrrrr..... :mad: :mad:

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Guest Tie Guy

Yes, but shouldn't it have increased your desire to play old gme. I know when i heard about JKII i went and played JK alot.

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