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Kyle Katarn: Jedi Disappointment


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Man, some the stuff in SP is so retarted. Like the fact that Kyle can't use force powers (specifically push and pull) under water or through breakaway grates!

And what's with Kyle not being able to use his lightsabre under water?! Hmmm... let's see... It can cut through just about anything, dismember an enemy in one slice, it's the most "eligant" weapon in the galaxy... but sorry, it won't work in water. Your "clumbsy and random" blasters will operate just fine in water but the lightsabre? ... sorry boys.


Maybe I'm being over-critical of Raven's efforts to balance gameplay. I'm just totally in love with the lightsabre and that's the only weapon that I ever want to use. Needless to say, Yavin Swamp is starting to tick me off.

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Correct, if you notice that if you go into water with the lightsaber and come out of it, the saber pops for a while since it just came out of the water, this was intentional since it is SW canon. You don't have a gripe with the game, your gripe is with George Lucas, but SW is his baby and he can do whatever he wants with it.

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Not quite. I pretty much dug into this lightsaber thing and it is nowhere stated anywhere in the SW canon that water would put out a lightsaber.


Let's see, if water would put out a lightsaber, then it might do so for two reasons:


a) it would seal all oxygen away so the 'flame' would die

b) it would lower the temperature so much that the saber goes out.


NEITHER OF IT IS THE CASE. Since lightsabers aren't fire. The aren't "light" in that sense either. And, although it might surprise you - they are not even HOT!


I can prove this with a plethora of movie scenes.


Lightsabers are neither dependent on surrounding air nor on temperature. There is simply no reason why water would put out a lightsaber.


Want me to prove it? Ask away, or simply believe me. :)




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the force powers ****** me off. when i got to get my lightsaber, it was just plain stupid. why the hell couldn't he just pull the damn thing out of the cage?!



DR: yah, i agree. lightsabres produce no heat until they come into contact with an object. the blade might as well not even exist until they make contact with something.


if they put out heat, that'd be pretty scwewy. i mean, those battles would be pretty damn hot.

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I think that if you ignite the lightsaber underwater that you turn that entire waterpool into one big lightsaber and fry yerself.

This may be reaching but wouldnt the technology exist to have a safety measure that detects water and disables the saber?


(I cant believe im discussing this:))

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Well, that might be the case if one took the optical (i.e. light) approach to lightsabers, but since they aren't... although I cannot exactly tell what a saber would do underwater, I doubt that it'd influence water that way.


Oh yeah... ME<----- geekboy :)




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since lightsabres dont exist and the way they work is completely made up aswell as from my own knowledge the crystals inside them dont xist so i think its pretty hard for either side to rgue with how they work dont work:rolleyes:

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Ronin - you're sort of right at about it not being SW "canon" but apparently there is a deleted TPM scene where Obi-Wan falls into water with his sabre ignited and it "fuses". Qui-Gon then tells him off or calls him a lamer or something.


It was in the comic adaptation and novel apparently but never made it either into the movie or into the DVD cut scenes but there we go.


Personally I wasn't that bothered by it. Still, could be interesting for any future mods where action takes place under water...

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OMG, some of u guyz are real geeks.


I hate to see what u geeks would argue and complain about if SW didnt exist.


I say: SW has great stories, great movies, and great games . . . and it's all fiction . . . meant for entertainment, not criticism.

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The only cannon there is in SW is the information which comes from Georgey boy directly. There was a edited out scene in Episode 1 where Obi-Wan lands in water after escaping from the Trade Federation invasion force at the start and he gets his sabre wet and it wont work! That is why the next scene was Obi-Wan running from the STAPs and not doing what Qui-Gon did (using the sabre to deflect the lasers back at the STAPs). Then there was another edited-out scene about Qui-Gon lecturing Obi-Wan about "Don't wet your sabre blah blah blah")


I know for certain it was in the early drafts garunteed and I am 95% sure they were filmed but not left in the movie... I get "deja vous" about me actually seeing the scenes somewhere... It is driving me crazy trying to figure out where...


(5 min later)


Oh yeah and I know the sabre scenes where there now! I saw once on theforce.net some movie-pictures of Qui-Gon in mid-lecture about the sabre to Obi-Wan!

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Originally posted by Digital_Ronin




the crystals is wat makes it "work" if it wer "real" so if the hole thing that makes it work is irelevent wat the hell r all u guys complaining bout? :confused:

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Originally posted by Digital_Ronin



Well, that might be the case if one took the optical (i.e. light) approach to lightsabers, but since they aren't... although I cannot exactly tell what a saber would do underwater, I doubt that it'd influence water that way.


Oh yeah... ME<----- geekboy :)





I was thinking along the lines of electrical.

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Originally posted by DarkRage

The lightsaber doesn't work underwater in Starwars, and thus, doesn't work underwater in JO.


This arguement is much disputed although this might answer a few questions. (either that or it's just a quickly thought up excuse for an inconsistency):


Lightsabers as a rule generally don't work underwater, and could potentially have trouble functioning in extremely moisture rich environments. When immersed, the lightsaber's delicate mechanics and circuitry tend to short out or otherwise malfunction. However, with proper construction, they can be made to function under such conditions.

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Originally posted by LedBullet

OMG, some of u guyz are real geeks.


I hate to see what u geeks would argue and complain about if SW didnt exist.


I say: SW has great stories, great movies, and great games . . . and it's all fiction . . . meant for entertainment, not criticism.


AAAAAAAhhh a NON geek!!!


get him emporer!!!! turn him to the dark side :lightning

muahahahahaaaa take that!!!

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DR: yah, i agree. lightsabres produce no heat until they come into contact with an object. the blade might as well not even exist until they make contact with something.

Come into contact with something, like AIR or WATER... face it, lightsabers would NEVER work, however it doesnt matter because ITS A MOVIE!

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Originally posted by Pol Favre


DR: yah, i agree. lightsabres produce no heat until they come into contact with an object. the blade might as well not even exist until they make contact with something.

there is a hell of a lot of stuff in the air at all times, like dust, pollen, and other stuff... so the blade would be in contact with something practically all the time.

Therefore the blade never has a chance to be non-existant.... ooo have i cracked how they work... Quantam trickery :p

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