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New Skin: Dark Forces Kyle


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I just thought I'd post a preview of my latest skin: Kyle Katarn from Dark Forces. It still needs a little work, since the main problem is that he doesn't look much like kyle yet... :) That said, his appearance will probably lean towards how he appears in Dark Forces anyway, since the model I'm using is so different (facially) to Kyle's. What do you all think?




Does anyone have a better picture of his chest armour? I've been going off of this refrence picture, but most of it is covered by his arms so I've had to make it up as I go along:




And of course there's also this pic (my main reference):



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Excellent!!! As for the chest armor, I think he took it when he stopped working for the empire. Not exactly sure, but I think it could be the same as Imperial Navy Commando armor (Think thats their name, I can't believe I've forgotten something that simple). Oh, and remember that he had some of those cylinder thingys (The things that you always see in Imperial Officer's front pockets) in a pocket on the side of his right sleeve. Man, that looks great, I can't wait for it to be finished.

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Looks good already!

But unless there is actually another pic of Kyle (can't remember any though), I would make his chest armor like the one Wesley Snipes wears in Blade. I think they look alot alike.


But as you are the Skinner: Do to your like. But looks already good.

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Cool, thanks for all the feedback everyone. Much appreciated. I'm almost finished with this one, so I'll be submitting it to Jediknightii.net either tonight or tommorow. It should be available pretty soon. I've only made slight alterations to the face, as I couldn't get him to look like 'Jedi Outcast' kyle. (And 'Dark Forces' kyle is just plain ulgly). :)



Decoder: I'm using the 'prisoner' model (which I think is pretty much the same as the 'Jedi' model).

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Finally !


A skin of Kyle without beard !


Thanks...Thanks a lot !


An extremely good skin. One of the best, no doubt !


Careful with the armor and jacket, though.

With the jacket sticking this skin-tight to his body (even though it is not closed), you have to wonder how skinny he is beneath that probably thick layer of armor.

You should consider forfeiting the armor. A pity it would be...I agree...But the altogether skinny models may enforce such a sacrifice.

With his jacket closed, it would make a little more sense that it is not...uhm...flowing/flapping while he moves.


(Hmm...There is no model of a character with a like jacket available in-game, eh ?!? Only gowns and such...Too bad.)


Regarding the face...I like his Dark Forces looks a lot more than the wimpy appearance he has now (in-game) ! A LOT, I say...

You could try to render the face he has on that promo screenshot (kyleref2), though. Just make sure not to put any beards onto him !!!

(I actually like the current face of your skin preview, btw).

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Looks damn good...although on the armor, I think the "plates" should be connected/touching as they are in that DF cutscene screenshot. On your model there's a pretty big space in between the various plates which seem to be interlocking in the original. Looks great so far, though.


Edit: Hmm now that I look it a bit more closely, maybe the armor plates don't connect. Oh well.

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Yeah, I thought the DF Kyle had the face of a "moody" mercenary. I just wish they had Jan in a cutscene! And on that note, I think that DF Jan had the best voice actress. I dunno. I just like the way she sounded.


But DF Kyle ain't ugly. I mean, if he were gay, and I were gay, I'd probably ask him out for a drink.



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Originally posted by Sgt. Stryker

Ok i'm offically confused. Is that ref. pic you have really kyle? cause when he first got his saber he had a beared and didnt have those clothes and he didnt look so kick ass. oh well i guess im just dumb.


ummm... it's not a ref pic.... it's a clip from a cutscene

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Thanks again for the feedback guys. I've submitted the file to JK.net, so it should be up pretty soon.


-Zeroxcape: I accidentally emailed you insted of the files dept, (sorry about that) I've now emailed files@jediknightii.net like I should have...


-Wes Janson: Lol, I guess "ugly" was a little harsh... :)


-SGT. Stryker: Yeah, all those are all official pics of Kyle. Like many Expanded Universe characters, I guess he doesn't really have a fixed appearance. (Lucky for me really, since my interpretation of Kyle is slightly different to all those images!)


Oh, and if you can't see the images, it's because I've exceeded my maximum transfer limit for today and my web server has shut me down. They should be back up tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I figured I'd do some posting on this to help you out, if you're still planning on working on this model.


1. First of all, I agree with Kijiin that the armor and that jacket leaves the imagination open to the anorexic Kyle. I would recommend leaving the armor IN, but widening the chest area and the hips. Just a little bit.;)


2. I put this skin into sp ('cause it's sooo freakin' cool!) and I noticed a slight problem with the model. Right along the jaw line, there's a fairly big gap that looks rather odd. I'll try to get a screenshot of it, so you know what I'm talking about.


Other than that, this skin is the best looking and coolest skin ever. Good Job!

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