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Bowing in DUELS

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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

i usually say gl at the beginning and gg at the end; it is a mutal deal...bowing is gay....this isnt martial arts...btw, nice first post; it was useful....=P


I'd consider this a fighting game. Martial Arts is fighting, but do you ever see Jacki Chan bowing before the hordes of baddies in his movies before he kicks their ass? :)


I bow, but only if bowed to. I usually say Gf, if I thought it was a good fight. If you just do it all the time, theres no respect in the words. If someone does poorly, I usually dont say anything after the fight.

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Originally posted by Sketch_Fett

bowing is always a nice element. seperates the honorable players fromt he lamers srounging for kills



So people that don't do it aren't honorable? I would think that the people that don't do it are just as honorable since they don't want to waste the spectators' time with pointless trivialities. You don't join a server to sit in spec mode saying "Oooh, they bowed to each other. How proper.", you join a server to play the game. Less time in spec mode means more time PLAYING.


Don't like the fact that the person you're playing against didn't bow to you? Fine, don't fight him. Bring down the console and type "disconnect". You forfeit and he wins without doing a thing.

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If people on the server are doing it then I'll join in. I must admit I felt really silly doing it the first time, but when everybody else is doing it then it actually is pretty cool 'cos it makes the games more friendly and personal. Bowing is just an extension of common courtesy and helps to engender mutual respect between players, which can't be a bad thing IMO. Sure, you can say 'GL & HF' (or whatever) but bowing kinda makes it more theatrical and fun.


What does annoy me though are wankers who insist you bow before them. There was one guy I saw and he kept insisting to obvious newbies that they bowed before him like he was some kind of god. What a tosser. Even worse, when I played him he bowed to me so I bowed back, and immediately he did the strong (red) stance "jump of death" and killed me on the spot, as I was completely defensless and wasn't expecting such a cheap move. Needless-to-say I thoroughly enjoyed kicking hiss ass 4 times in a row afterwards, when he suddenly left :)

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Originally posted by Rogue74

Also, learn what a "tool" is, that would be someone who follows this bowing BS.

No, a "tool" is someone who hides behind the anonymity of the internet to insult others and thinks that somehow because he's online he can dispense with the normal courtesies you afford to people.

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Originally posted by DannyDiplo

No, a "tool" is someone who hides behind the anonymity of the internet to insult others and thinks that somehow because he's online he can dispense with the normal courtesies you afford to people.


I like that nice way to put it.... Even if you are directing it at me which i am not sure you are. However, it is still a nice way to put it.

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I normally switch my saber off first thing in a duel and walk to an open spot where I can see my opponent. If I think they'll bow I will do the same. If they come blitzing straight at me or approach close enough to get a swing, fair play, I'll move and the saber will go straight on again.


Its nice to bow to act honorably, but on the other hand you shouldn't do it regardless of opponent and then have a go at someone who wants to get on with it.

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On duel servers I always bow as a sign of respect, I agree with Eternal on the cinematic nature of the game and people sometimes try to rush me but I'm quick enough to avoid it. I don't have a problem with people who don't bow, and it annoys me when people just rush me and try to hack me while I do it, but as a general rule the people who do that are not the cream of the Saber crop...

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Originally posted by Desslock

I'd consider this a fighting game. Martial Arts is fighting, but do you ever see Jacki Chan bowing before the hordes of baddies in his movies before he kicks their ass? :)


Good point, but we didn't say bow in SP to the stormtroopers. :D


I think bowing adds something to the duel, and it's not appropriate everywhere. It's just a game so I don't expect courtesy from anyone, but why not give it if you have the chance?


Wait, let me answer for you: "UR GAY!!!!1 R0xoRRRZ"

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just to clarify my stance.

I think it does add an element to the game so I bow.

but like Kendo i dont bow between every point.

so the firs time I spawn I bow, after than no matter who dies during the duel i dont stop to bow.


after all there are others behind you waiting to die, and we dont want to keep them waiting to long :D

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Bow if you like. I couldn't care less. Perhaps I will hit you on the head while you do it...


The people that really pisses me off are those that refuse to dance a few seconds of river dance with me after a good duel. I start riverdancing and suddenly the moron jumps at me with his saber WTF is that. I have even told people to river dance after a good duel... they just don't get it! I think this lack of respect is very disturbing.

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