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A new way to duel!


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New to me anyway, forgive me if I've wasted you time coming here.


I got on a sever last night that said duel but it was FFA in the DeathStar. So while the map was loading I was thinking of what I could say to the admin to get him back for wasting my time joining his 'duel' server.


Well, I loaded up and went looking for him. I found everyone standing around in the big open area with the elevator. 2 people were dueling and everyone else was standing around with their sabers off watching. It was so cool. Everyone was just taking turns challenging [K] someone to duel them while other folks watched. This allowed people to challenge players of equal skill and not just get slammed or vice-versa. And if you got bored you could fight one of the other players.


I will host my duel server like this from now on and would like to see more. That map really lends itself to that type of game with the ledges and all, but hopefully we will see some more good maps for 'FFA' dueling.



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There are a couple server out there that do this and I for one aplaud them for it. I have even run my own server this way, it can be alot of fun. If the admin or someone that has control of the server is there it can be very well managed IE: kick people that want to distrupt what everyone else doesnt want. Duel servers are fun because you can set whatever force powers you want and use them with 1v1 and not have to worry about someone butting in, but duel servers can also take a long time if the admins make the player limit higher than 5, which I dont understand why I have seen some duel server with 20 person limits, that would mean 1 fight about every 30 or more minutes on average. The FFA Duel servers are nice since if someone is in a duel you can challenge someone away from it if you get bored or teach moves to others while you wait.

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Hell, check the download sec tion on this site. There's a mod that allows up to 4 duels at a time. That would make it fun, 4 duels means less waiting for people who want a "fair" fight.


When my T1 comes in i'm setting my server this way. No force powers (ie no absorb or grip, the jump and combat points are cool) and 4 duels going on at once, on a good duel map. I'll get a few maps that have some great spaces for holding duels, hell might make a few myself when i get the time. I think i'll call the server "The Balls"

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Allowing more than 1 duel on FFA would be cool. I haven't tried this on my server yet but I looked in the server.cfg and saw this command.

seta g_privateDuel "1"

I would imagine changing the value would allow more private duels.

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That's how everyone plays on LiCk's server, and it's enforced. It makes the gameplay that more fun. And those that want to melee can just run off and fight each other somewhere else. That is the perfect way to run a non-teamgame server, imho.

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This sort of 1on1 multi arena server started in Heretic 2. They were called Blade Servers or Blade Matches. The best maps for this were Multi arena maps where players choose an arena and waited a turn to fight. It also allowed for many controlled duels to take place at the same time.


I did a three arena map for Rune that started things off in this direction.


However, It takes time for the community to learn the rules. The "vote to kick" option will help maintain lammer control. Some of my ole H2 clan mates are starting to appear in JO. Look for servers with the ~HFE~ tag (Hell Fire Empire). These servers will most likely host FFA 1on1-arena maps once some are released.


I'm still looking for these types off servers but they are very elusive :(

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That's a cool idea, I like the idea of multaple duels going on at once. There could be a mod maybe with tournament style elimenations where the first few battles are going on at once, then the winner of those battles duel, etc and the losers duel too... sound cool? hope so

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Yeah, that is a cool way of duelling.

Thats the way we haven been duelling in the Hereticii communty for the last 3 years. Someone made a mod like the 1 on 1 option in JK2, but everybody hated it so it wasnt used. More fun just hanging around goofing around and chatting while waiting for your turn. Offcourse occasionally there was some lame-ass thinking it was fun going FFA and killing everyone in line, but they got kicked and banned.



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It's called "[LiCk] JK2 Sabers Only - DO NOT KILL IF SABRE NOT DRAWN"




Check out this thread here for info from the two head admins of the server: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=453650#post453650



There is usually an admin handy if there are people causing problems. Everyone that plays there as a regular knows the rules and follows them quite strictly. The rules are contunally stated as people play through server broadcast, every 5 minutes or so. Padawan's are not allowed to play unless they change name, as it makes it too difficult to kick if they act like the newbie they are named and don't follow the rules.



Give a shout out to LiCk guys if you see them - they are a good bunch of guys.

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I'm Sebboh Nivlac, co-head admin of our LiCk FFA server..


We usually have an admin on at all times, most LiCk's handle admining our server, and we got quite lucky to find Jiro and Shroom to help keep it jerk-free.


If you have ANY problems on our server, jump into irc.enterthegame.com and let us know.


I think you'll find there are few servers that are as enjoyable to play at as ours. Many times I run Jk2 in a window, only to keep an eye on the game inside.


So, come by, learn our few rules, and know you'll have one of the best trouble-free JK2 games on the internet!


Give a shout to Jiro or Shroom if ya see them, they help make our server one of the BEST!


[LiCk]Sebboh Nivlac

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been playing on your server quite a bit lately..really good fun. Just have one question though. When are the servers adminned...was on it ealier today and there were 2 padawans on there (heard you automatically kick them, cos they havent a name) and one of which was attacking when saber was off, tried to kick him several times but vote failed ..even tough other people werecomplaining about this...


anyway just to let ya know..and it is a great server



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Originally posted by Valdarious

Am I missing something? The only modification that I see about duels is the duels to FFA modes mod. Which doesnt allow 4 duels at one time. It just makes the duel maps available in FFA mode.


Yes, there is no mod that allows more than one duel at a time. :(

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