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Blue vs Yellow vs Red


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This is my take on the stances:

blue: only good for dodging and doing quick twirls. For the average swing yellow is just as fast/faster

Yellow: Cool, however going into a twirl by accident can be deadly.

Red: A little cheap with ****ty hit detection. Its slow, and WAY powerful, too powerful. One hit kills suck.

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Toolboi, examine what you just said.


Why is blue only good for dodging?

None of the stances slow your character down, you move the same speed with each one. A red stance is just as good at dodging as a blue or yellow. Not slamming you or anything. But just re-examin that statement. I know everyone Wants to think blue is good at "evading" or something because its the "fast" stance. But think about it logically and rationally. It doesnt allow you any better evasion than any other stance.


Like Tree said in fact, that is exactly what reds count on. He describes the no-talent reds perfectly in their style of combat. I know for certain he is on the NF saber duel servers like i am.


And tree, i know exactly what you mean. Its almost funny when you say your talking about NF combat and people tell you to use the force powers as a counter. Hah.

One guy was even playing on a NF server with us and said he would just use throw to kill a red. Where do they come from???

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Medium all the way. Blue is the hardest to deal with because you have to get in several decent shots while they are chaining unlimited attacks but taking on heavy stancers is easy, moreso if they flail around, two well positioned head or torso strikes with no shields will kill them while im using medium, better yet heavy users are just BEGGING to be kicked, when they draw back that strike dart in, kick them in the face and if they get knocked down deliver the finisher


I play on saber only servers and the only time i ever use something other than medium is if im a flag carrier in which case i switch to blue because its the best for blocking the flurry of sabers that get thrown at me.


Did i mention in FFA, Duel and CTF its a rare occasion where i dont come first? If medium is a 'newbie' stance then you must all suck to be consistently beaten by newbies.

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OHHH...... really just run up and kick them?


That easy huh?


1. you can't use the kick on NF servers.


2. They run the same speed as you.


How do you catch them. You are amazing. Pls tell me how you are able to move faster than everyone else.

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Each style is indeed equal in terms of skill needed to use correctly. I personally use a combination of yellow and blue simply because I like blues ability to kill with back stab and for yellows ability to deal two fast powerful swings. Red was meant to be used in combination with knocking the opnent down while blue and yellow seem to be more for actual contact; attacking and counter attacking. I know from from my own experiences that no one style conquers another, it's all about your individual ability to mold to the other persons style.


Noobs generally don't have style so they inherently die to red because they haven't learned to block yet, that is why red gives off the appearance of dominance. My two cents. Laters.

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If they are moving to attack you since when are they running away from you? The general idea for swinging the saber is to connect rather than to swing and run backwards when your intention is to kill the target. Ive never encountered anyone who was moving towards me, swung a heavy saber and then turned around and ran the other direction, you must be really special to have that happen to you. Idiot.


And please tell me, at what point did i even mention NF servers? NF is just pointless IMHO, the servers i play on are force restricted turning off most powers leaving jump and saber throw.

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Why is blue only good for dodging?

I mean blocking :)

Supposedly it blocks better eh? I havent really seen evidence of this, but so people tell me.


Yellow is definatly the fastest for quick attacks, the only thing I can see that blue is really good for is its special move (best uppercut ever ;) ) and its back stab.

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Blue does, in fact, block best, but so far I've only seen this to be true in SP.


Online, I tend to use the middle stance most often. I find it's the most versatile stance. Heavy stance is ok, but too slow for my tastes. Plus, I haven't yet worked out the timing. I tend to prefer to stay mobile in a duel, but I agree with steller that the game DOES resemble a big game of bumper cars. Or a jousting match. Folks run at each other, swing, and hope they hit each other. If not, turn around and try again. Try to get in close to someone and they run away.


I played against this one guy on a duel server who kept complaining that I was running too much (actually, I was rolling -- big difference, and was rolling TOWARDS him, he just kept trying to circle me). Until they fix the hit detection and blocking, this is the way MP is going to be. Which is why I probably wont' be playing much of MP, since the novelty has REALLY worn off on me.

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Originally posted by Darksider

If they are moving to attack you since when are they running away from you? The general idea for swinging the saber is to connect rather than to swing and run backwards when your intention is to kill the target. Ive never encountered anyone who was moving towards me, swung a heavy saber and then turned around and ran the other direction, you must be really special to have that happen to you. Idiot.


And please tell me, at what point did i even mention NF servers? NF is just pointless IMHO, the servers i play on are force restricted turning off most powers leaving jump and saber throw.


Wow you sure are lucky. You play strong stance ppl who attack you? Never seen that before. The strong stance players I play against take BS swings that they hope you are dumb enough to run into.


Swing retreat then repeat. Over and over.


Well no wonder you can kill the strong stance players you play against.


Who said they have to turn around to run. have you ever played multi-player? Players can run backwards/side to side, just as fast as forwards. Idiot ;) They also run the same speed when they are swinging. "slows you to a crawl" lmao. Well you already sounded like a n00b now its for sure. They slow down for like 1/2 a second at the end of their swings. Which is pointless due to the range of the attack. Go test it right now.


NF was brought up in the first post. You play on servers that only allow saber throw and jump? No force push or anything? Far as I know the only place that happens is on duels during a FFA or another type of game. You can limit the amount of force people can distribute to different powers thats it.

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I wish I could say I have palyed MP against other people, but sadly I have a dial up :( . But even playing against bots it's clear as day that there are major hit detection problems. In SP you'll never see your saber go through a Reborn and not see some sparks. I see it all the time fighting bots. That's why I stick to just fighting a stream of Reborn in SP, the battles are very exciting.


As for the style I prefer, yeah most of the time it's Blue, it's just so pretty. It's tempting to swing around in circles, but you can place that saber right where it's needed if you want to take the effort.


I got respect for people who got the timing on red stance down, but they have to admit red has it's problems.


The stances should be seperate but equal.

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Have you ever played multi? Yes, we all run at the same speed, however try chasing a flag carrier, swing your saber at them when youre out of range and you get slowed down and they outpace you, and you get slowed much more when using heavy stance, OBVIOUSLY you dont get slowed down for the rest of the map after you take a swing but the normal running rate compared with the slowed movement rate makes it more than sufficient to close the distance with someone who is attacking you, if hes in danger of hitting you he is CLOSE TO YOU, if he is close to you then you have more than enough time to take advantage of the momentary slowdown



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You play on servers that only allow saber throw and jump? No force push or anything? Far as I know the only place that happens is on duels during a FFA or another type of game. You can limit the amount of force people can distribute to different powers thats it


There is a server option which is a force_disable bitfield (i believe thats the term) where each force power is assigned a number and by having the argument of the force disable as the sum of the force power numbers those powers are disabled, the numbers go up in exponential increments so that each combination is unique, the max number being all force disabled


there was in fact a thread on this very subject a few days ago

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Blue has its advantages

backstab rocks!

Lunge looks 1337

Red has its advantages

Powerful hits

Finisher is a.... finisher

Yellow is inbetween

Almost as/as fast as Blue stance, less chains than blue

Proportionately faster/weaker than red


Blue has its disadvantages

Weak damage (due to glancing nature of attacks)

Red has its disadvantages

Being open for an eternity before and after hits.

Yellow's disadvantage is that it's not as fast as Blue and not as Strong as red


No stance is any better than the other, but some people are better at exploiting a stances advantages and the other players stances disadvantages.


That "go away n00b" JPEG is funny (even if blasphemous)



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