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Text Color


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  • 2 weeks later...

They really need to enable the search function on this forum. This took way too much time. Here is what I found out from 3 different responses to this question:


My friend, JediAlphaKnight, told me how to do it. You have to put a ^then a number to make a color. Ex: ^2 would make the next letter that you type in green. Now do that twice and that will be your backround color. Ex: ^2, ^2 . Now the final step is to put in the color that you want on top and write your name. Ex: ^2, ^2, ^4, YourNameHere. You will now have a green background with your name in blue.


1)Once on a server press escape and go to player


2)delete your name


3)press and hold shift , then press 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 (depending on what colour you want)


4)Then type and there you have it



***Shift+6 = ^key***


Under Player Configuration, type your name:

^61Your Name

That will make a red name

1 is red, 2 is green, 4 is blue.. and so on.


So to type your name differnt colors type:

^61Your ^64Name

So Your will be RED and Name will be BLUE.



To make Background color on Name:

Same as above. But you add one more step.

^61^64^61Your Name

So your text will be Red (1) and the back ground will be BLUE(4)






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