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Hardware Utilization


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The purpose of this thread is to discuss the hardware utilization of the JK2 dedicated server.


My Stats:

OS - SuSE Linux 7.3

Kernel - 2.4.10


RAM - 768MB

JK2 - v1.02b


All of my CPU/RAM stats are collected via top to keep things as universally comparable as possible.


This machine has run different games server including others based on the Q3 engine. In particular I am comparing JK2 to RtCW (Return to Castle Wolfenstein). I have run a 64 player RtCW server on the machine and when it is full I am still able to offer 150 pings and better to all of my users. At the same time the CPU utilization is approximately 40%. I can run a JK2 server in Duel mode with 9 players and the CPU utilization is generally less than 10%. I am guessing this is b/c that only 2 players are playing at once and this mode typically has smaller maps. My JK2 CTF server however is a hog. With a mere 14 players on it is taking on average 40-45% CPU utilization. Oddly there is not a significant increase in memory usages so I am guess it is not a memory leak or some kind of other memory related issue. While my ping times have not suffered that much by this, it is hindering my ability to have multiple servers and other applications running. Perhaps it is an issue with the server physics? What is everyone else seeing?

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My Stats:

OS - RedHat Linux 7.2

Kernel - 2.4.7-10

CPU - Tbird 900

RAM - 512MB

JK2 - v1.02b


I run a 16 player CTF server and have a full load about 90% of the time. CPU utilization runs 30% on average. I have also run and RtCW server (24 players) on the same box and during peak loads the CPU utilization ran 30% on average. Memory use by RtCW was much higher, however.

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