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4 Hidden CTF Maps


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Haven't been on the forums for a while, I'm sorry if this has already been brought up but how do you unlock the 4 hidden levels:


Bespin Air Vanes

Hangar Bay 72

Ceremonial Hall

Lightsaber Training


It lists them in the screen shot on page 38 of the manual...Does anyone know how to unlock them? Thanks.

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There is a couple of possbilities...


1) It is indeed secret levels or something else that requires unlocking...


2) They were put in the menu as they planned on making said maps for the game but time limits (to get the game out by release date) forced them to cancel the maps, removed the names from the menu, but didn't alter the picture in the manual.


I am hoping it is the first one like you mentioned. They sound so wikkedly delicious and I want to play them now!


What I would love to play is the map from MotS which had the Carbon chamber and the abyss with the platform all in the same level. Perhaps this was what "Bespin Air Vanes" was going to be?

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