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Well I hate to be a pain in the arse, but I still can't take any screen shots of this great game!!!


If I use the good old "print screen" key, it's locks me up everytime, and I have to reset the computer to restart...


I've tried the console command "/bind (key) screenshot" it seems to do absolutly nothing... When I went to the base file, there is not a screenshot file there at all. So I created one, and tried the console command again, still nothing...


Anyone got any ideas about what I'm doing wrong? Oh when I go into the console it has [ then the curser so when I write the bind command it looks like this " [/bind (key) screenshot"... Is my console inabled or not? Or is just closing the console not entering my new binding?


Any way I'd sure like to get some screens from this game, so any help would indeed be greatly appreciated...





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First, pull down your console again by typing the Shift Key + the ~ key. Next bind your screenshot function to a given key by typing something like bind f12 screenshot. The "f12" can be any key you want to bind your screenshot to.


bind f12 screenshot silent keeps the game from displaying the 'screenshot taken'




From jkii.net


Try to the other command (with silent).

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Thankyou XManny,


But that is just what I've been trying to do. But for some reason the /bind (any key) is not doing anything...


As I said in my first post, that I didn't even have a "screenshot" file in my base file. But none the less, I bound a key to screenshot after I created a screen shot file but nothing was there? Hmm it's got me...


Thanks for your help!!!




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