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Was i out of line or were they jealous?


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Cra'as Anbri here this morning i woke up wont 3 maps 10/1, i go to work come back... come in hmm some guy is owning, i look at his tactics hmmm i can beat him...i face him and dethrone him when he is 9/2 then after about 5 kills i die and he starts *****ing, saying oh you are so dishoinorable, you are gay using ofrce push, i poused him 3 times during this match.... and on the 3rd ti did my finishing move..... i was using only neutral fofce, didjn't heal..... didn;t choke..didn;t even red stance spam, beat him with blue stance. so i am back on my mythrone, won a couple maps and he still bicthes.. again ....... i am using all 3 stances, only healed once.... and i am not repetattive.so then he gets a couple others on his side..... flaming me for me "cheap tactics" whne i dotn have one tactic i make up as i go along.... i dont know the community is decaying.. or something, when using push become a ***** move its time for a change, so i make a deal with this guy....i qont heal, if u dotn drain.... i wont use red or yellow....nor push....so i end up hitting him once with blue and kicking him 3 times and killing him....and i am still 100 HP and 25 Shld, raqther embarrassing but he complains abotu kicking now? i dotn get it

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Guest Krayt Tion
Originally posted by RahnDelSol

It's very simple.


Some people just can't stand to lose.


You beat him, he needs to get over it. Don't change for the whiners.


:thumbsup: Right on.

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i cant stand not being liek so i gladly stop using the powers he deemed weak :(.... i ebat him.he whines about that....... so lets get it straight....kicking...... overheadchoping.......... forward lunges and pushing are all cheap cording to that server :( i dont get it

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I basically go into a map and don't worry about winning. I use my technique, and figure out how well I did due to kills at the end and how many good fights I get into. It's the only way to enjoy this game.


So if I join a MP FFA game and refuse to use guns and heavy stance, I have to understand that that was my choice. Anyone can win a DM match in this game the way most of us play. I for one am one of those people who rarely wins because I've made the choice not to get cruel and have fun.


People just get irritated because you don't follow thier code of conduct. It seems we each have our own and there is nothing you can do about it.


But beware, people who abuse the hell out of certain things in the game seem to get kicked alot.:boushh:

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Originally posted by RahnDelSol

It's very simple.


Some people just can't stand to lose.


You beat him, he needs to get over it. Don't change for the whiners.


Question: If someone spams the lunge all the time, should he change if he is totally controlling the server?

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Hey I see this kind of whinning all the time in most games I play (And I have to say I'm not a great player myself, just decent, so I usually get owned by better players such as you). Before JKII I was playing AvP2 (and still do). I would constantly hear people whinning about people using this tactic or that weapon, etc. Personally I think they need to get over it! The tactics and weapons are built into the game and its fair to make use of any of them you want! It was really pissing me off in AvP2 when I hear people crying when a Pred uses disk etc because ALL the species are pretty balanced and each have their strengths and weaknesses. And it also seemed bad for the guy to complain about disk when he used this concussion like weapon that if it hit anywhere near a pred would stun him, leaving him vunerable for a killing blow. Bassically it comes down to people *****ing when they are getting beat but who also use many of the same tactics themselves. And even if they don't they should realize that others will....IT'S PART OF THE FREAKING GAME!!!

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Guest Krayt Tion
Originally posted by Desslock


Question: If someone spams the lunge all the time, should he change if he is totally controlling the server?


Why should he if there aren't any rules for that server about certain tactics made known to the player ahead of time (not defacto)? A good server that has no mention of such things should continue to allow play as the game allows- including all strategies and weapons.


Quite simply, if you enter a server with no restrictions, then it's a simple matter of "If you can't take the heat... get your ass outta the kitchen."

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Originally posted by CheshireKat


People just get irritated because you don't follow thier code of conduct. It seems we each have our own and there is nothing you can do about it.


But beware, people who abuse the hell out of certain things in the game seem to get kicked alot.:boushh:


buyt the thing is.i have been on the server for days then these poeple i never seen before enter and start whining, i enforce the servers code of conduct, hell part of the server rituals wer emy doing...i did not spam moves....i did not win one was each time and i didn;'t even spam lunge i used it when people charged me...

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Originally posted by Sketch_Fett


buyt the thing is.i have been on the server for days then these poeple i never seen before enter and start whining, i enforce the servers code of conduct, hell part of the server rituals wer emy doing...i did not spam moves....i did not win one was each time and i didn;'t even spam lunge i used it when people charged me...


Maybe it was your grammer :).


But in all seriousness: kicking better players seems to be the trendy thing to do in this game.


Dont sweat it and get a name changing script. Your gonna need it!.


Boy In A Wheelchair

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Originally posted by BoyInAWhelchair


Maybe it was your grammer :).


But in all seriousness: kicking better players seems to be the trendy thing to do in this game.


Dont sweat it and get a name changing script. Your gonna need it!.


Boy In A Wheelchair


I hope you misspelled "grammar" on purpose...

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Count Your Blessings!


PsiSilverthorn makes an excellent comparison to AvP II (I only played AvP I, but it's pretty much the same problem with "disk whiners"). The comparison brings to light the following: what makes so many people annoyed is what makes the game so entertaining (at least for me):




There are so many variables and combinations of styles -- I've been at this for over two weeks and I still see new things. Got owned by a guy with light saber combo attack only -- learned to use it more (but not exclusively) myself. Watched two guys last night use saber throw like guys in a locker room snapping towels. It was a bit annoying, yet hilarious. My own style changes frequently. I love this depth. You don't?




Q3A -- rocket launcher, rail gun, bunny hopping. There. No surprises. Go be comfortable.


But with JKII there is always a challenge. It seems to me that the players enjoying the game most are the middle-of-the-road ones, like me. Skilled, but not masters. We enjoy the occasional good killing run, look forward to a "new guy" on a server, like using all force sometimes, no force others.


There is NO WAY this game could have so many options without making a lot of people angry. Raven can't tweak every power so it's dead-on even with every other one. With so many variables we CREATE OUR OWN BALANCE.


I stick with neutral powers at first. If someone heals or drains, I heal. Absorb is my close friend. Push, jump, throw, pull -- if you don't like 'em, go to a non-force server.


And there are PLENTY of non-force servers. Get Gamespy3D and set up filter tabs like I have.


Again, my main point: If you want simplicity, go play a Quake game. A little more complex? Try Unreal Tournament. Or Dead or Alive 3 on XBox.


And to all those who don't whine -- see ya on the servers. Let's have some fun.



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this is why you can set both a server name, and an MOTD for a server.


sometimes I love to saber with all the force powers and just cut loose and enjoy the effects built into the game. I personally feel that using any one tactic or move over and over again is pretty boring, but hey if it works for you, go for it.


when I want to do neutral force sabering, I find a server that advertises neutral forces only.


when I want to do no force sabering I find a server that advertises no forces.


if the mode I wanna play isn't offered by a server, or the servers are all full, I put mine up and inevitably within minutes, others show up who feel like playing in the same style I do.



if the server allows it or doesn't prohibit it at least in the name or the MOTD (cause some no force servers DO have forces turned on, they just request that you don't use them) then by all means, use it. For every tactic or move, there is a way to stop it, it's just a matter of doing the time and getting the practice in so you can handle any move or situation that comes up. The only time there should be complaints, is if someone is violating a posted rule on a server or using cheats or hacks.


just my 2 cents


the purple one

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I am a pretty good saberist, not the best, but I can hold my own in a duel before possibly getting killed by someone better than me. So, if I am in a duel and I get one hell of an @$$ whooping and get killed, i just respawn and go duel the guy again. If i get owned again, I will just go duel again. I know, I lost. Am i happy about losing? Not really. Am I gonna whine about it? No. I am gonna go duel the guy again so i can become better and maybe i will own his @$$ one time. If i die because i made a mistake, then I try to learn from that mistake so that I can go and beat the guy who is owning my butt. If someone is better than me, so be it. I am just like everyone else, I don't like to lose, but if i lose to a better player than i am not gonna whine about it. I am gonna go and learn how to be better than that superior saberist so that i can own him next time. So for all of you whiners out there, STFU and learn from those who are owning your butts so that one day yo may actually be better than those superior saberists.

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Don't get me wrong, I love to play against other people. Real people are able to think outside of a predefined box. Your bots can only think within that box and will never be able to think outside of it because of the programming. so until we can program the bots to actually "think", playing against actualy humans is the best thing. But you do have a point, playing against close friends is about the only way to play the way you want to without the whining of sore losers. But what i have learned, in 2 weeks of playing, is that, when i host a game, many people join it, like the way i host it and they come back later on. so i see a lot of the same people over and over and eventually i develop a little gaming friendship with them. this is also why gaming clans/groups/teams are so nice. if you are in one, you have other people who are willing to play the way you play. I guess what the whole idea of this thread is, is that there are people out there who are unwilling to lose and when they do they turn into a 4 year old and cry about it (no offense to the 4 year olds who do play the game). These little crybabies dont usually last long, at least in they games i have played. And with the JO voting system, most people i kow will simply vote out the whiners, just because they want to enjoy the game for what it is. without MP i wouldnt be a happy person and i know a large number of other people feel the same. but it is when some people whine and cry that they lost to a better player is when the real gamers get annoyed. so, ideally, all of these whiners will read my above post and learn from their mistakes. Good Gaming.

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they turn into a 4 year old and cry about it (no offense to the 4 year olds who do play the game)


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!! That is awesome! Geez, thanks for making my day three notches funnier. If you don't know why I find it so funny, sorry, but it would die with an explanation.


Now, back on topic.


I think the funniest thing about sore loosers is often they'll use Marines, get owned by a person using Aliens, and think "oh, Aliens rock, they can kill in one hit, Marines suck because they have to hit a lot". So they'll go play as an Alien and get owned by a person using Preds, and think "oh, Preds rock because that disk lets them kill well from a distance". So they'll go play as a pred, get owned by a person using marines, and think "Oh, Marines rock, they can fill the entire level with shots, and Preds move slow anyway". So they'll go play as a Marine and get owned my a person using Aliens, and think........


If you want that in JKII terms just substitute light/med stance for Aliens, heavy stance for Preds, and guns for Marines.

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Originally posted by StarScrap


Now, back on topic.


I think the funniest thing about sore loosers is often they'll use Marines, get owned by a person using Aliens, and think "oh, Aliens rock, they can kill in one hit, Marines suck because they have to hit a lot". So they'll go play as an Alien and get owned by a person using Preds, and think "oh, Preds rock because that disk lets them kill well from a distance". So they'll go play as a pred, get owned by a person using marines, and think "Oh, Marines rock, they can fill the entire level with shots, and Preds move slow anyway". So they'll go play as a Marine and get owned my a person using Aliens, and think........


If you want that in JKII terms just substitute light/med stance for Aliens, heavy stance for Preds, and guns for Marines.


Exactly....I'm an ok player but not real good in either game. But in AvP2 the species really are pretty balanced...There are some pretty powerful attack modes for each but they each have some pretty bad weaknesses too...So it all comes down to figuring out tactics to combat the other species more power attacks while figuring out how to protect your weaknesses....It gets on my nerves when somebody crys about using attacks/weapons that require no skill.

Personally I think what those guys like is the stand face to face and jump around shooting at each other type of play Q3 is famous for....But AvP2 does allow for some different type of play (IE stalk and strike suddenly without warning, which is the type of play I personally prefer), although as soon as an Alien shows up stalking becomes much harder because they can see everybody. I just wish JKII lent itself better to my prefered way of playing.

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To be brutally honest with you, you were cheating in that game.


Mind you, when it comes to Online games, the definition of cheating is "Showing any skill with any weapon in any game in any way."


In other words, this was was a sore loser, and unfortunately he is the norm in the world of online games (they're the same people who think that there is such a thing as "Camping" in CS... which there isn't...).



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