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All that little things that ruins the game


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First let me introduce myself. I m Khaydarin. People call me lamer cause i use :

-drain (ppl complains a lot about this skill )

-drain + gripp combo ( but..but... what can I do against this???)

-drain + lightening ( Oh , your technic is so cheap )

- heal ( you F**** Mo**** , stop using heal )

-persuasion + my secret moves ( you lamer , how can you attak me without stopping the persuasion effect )

-cause i use heavy stance (pfff you don't know what a real saber fight is, you moron)

-push an pull ( do you know how to fight without force?)

-cause I use kicks...


To put it in a nutshell, it seems that a real tough and respectable jedi only use : Force of sight and his light saber as a flashlight


No, seriously! I'm a dark jedi who's just fallen to the light side of the force ( indeed I had underestimated the power of the light side). and I must admit one thing. Light side is as good as dark side.


A very skilled jedi can counter anything whether he's light or dark. So please don't ruine the game 'cause you're losing. Even the greatest jedi knight has fallen to one's light saber.


I've noticed that you guys have rules of engagement, so I'd like to add one rule:

- learn to accept your defeat,



Legend of Khaydarin

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People are(were) mad at you because you are not restricting yourself from force powers as they are.


What people fail to realize when whining about whiners is that the whiners are not a collective mind (even though we'd think they are :) ) and one combo might piss someone off and he wouldn't care about the rest of your combos. The second guy might hate another combo the first one didn't mind.


If you are attacking with persuasion on, (Mind Trick is the correct name) then you are using an exploit. Mind Trick was not meant to remain on while you are able to make aggressive moves. I advise you to stop using this 'secret combo'.


People complaining about kicks are just morons. Plain and simple. They have the ability to do it just as easily with practice yet they refuse to let themselves know that.


A very skilled jedi can counter anything whether he's light or dark. So please don't ruine the game 'cause you're losing. Even the greatest jedi knight has fallen to one's light saber. [/Quote]


Don't allow someone else to ruin your experience. Its a game. We're supposed to have fun, but it shouldnt be work either, which most games require, namely all the MMORPGs. Perfecting and keeping twitch skills up to par even more so.

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To the people that whine about "cheap" stuff like that:


It's in the game whether you like it or not. Whining over and over won't make it go away. Adapt to anything that comes after you or you will die over and over again.


Somebody's draining you? Put up absorb before you're out of force power. You're a dark Jedi and don't have absorb? Drain him right back. Somebody's gripping you? Push him, it knocks you out of the grip. Guy keeps healing if he takes the least bit of damage? Keep on him so much that he runs out of force power fast, then he won't have any while you're slicing him up. Mind trick? There is something called Force Seeing that makes mind trick useless. Just because you didn't bother to put any points into it doesn't mean it's the other guy's fault you died to him. Heavy stance? If you can't see a heavy stance attack coming from a mile away, you deserve to be cut down. Push and pull? Keep your enemy in view and push/pull do nothing. Somebody keeps kicking you? That's your own fault for letting them get close enough to do it.


If your enemy lets his guard down in any way so that he's at a disadvantage, you don't just sit there and allow him to bring it back up. You take advantage of it IMMEDIATELY.


Wanting to play with a sense of honor is a fine and noble thing, but you'll be the one falling into the depths of Nar Shaddaa because you were bowing to an opponent and somebody came up behind you and gripped you off the platform.

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you dont kill people by running around and killing them by the power of ur glare!!!!


u ACTUALLY USE attacks??


u use anything apart from an unlight lightsabre??


u dont miss out all the fun and exclusive force attacks??


what a nOOB! a total lamer!





p.s.) sorry for the extreme sarcasm

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I know the feeling. A guy called me a f******* b**** once just for chucking a couple of thermal dets at him. If they aren't for throwing at people then what are they, lawn ornaments?

They're to be used for blowing up those annoying stumps after you've cut down a tree with your lightsaber. Neither were meant to be used on a sentient being. But then some screwed-up Jedi got it into his mind to go around killing people with his lightsaber... called it the Nar Shaada Lightsaber Massacre. For some reason, the Jedi keep doing it, too. Darn Jedi... too bad the Emperor didn't succeed in wiping them all out :D

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Someone was telling me I sucked at dueling because the only reason I won was because I used drain. So during a CTF game, I went to this persons flag base, and was attacked by like 4 guys at once. Without using drain, I killed the same idiot 4 times in a row without dying once. It was great... and he shut up pretty quick after that, lol.

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Originally posted by Khaydarin

I've noticed that you guys have rules of engagement, so I'd like to add one rule:

- learn to accept your defeat,



Legend of Khaydarin



Yay!.....LOUD APPLAUSE. Well Said.


Now If we can only fix the KICK THE WINNER VOTE problem all the servers are plagued with.



Boy In A Wheelchair

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A n00b question for Schizophrenic (or anyone who can answer) :


I agree with most of your points as most things in this game can be easily countered, except what can be done about those infernal Lightning spammers? :confused: It's like when they have trouble getting a hit in they just get lazy and go into the spray-and-pray version of the Force. :D I've only had this game for a day, and the solution's probably something really obvious, but I can't think of it right now...

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Jon: Indeed there is a solution to lightning: Absorb. Or, you could just turn on Force speed and run away. OR if you're a dark jedi, you could just drain him and get your health back. And to the guy that started this forum: you bring up some valid points, but I wouldn't say the complainers ruin the game. I love it just the same.

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Originally posted by Khaydarin

First let me introduce myself. I m Khaydarin. People call me lamer cause i use :

-drain (ppl complains a lot about this skill )

-drain + gripp combo ( but..but... what can I do against this???)

-drain + lightening ( Oh , your technic is so cheap )

- heal ( you F**** Mo**** , stop using heal )

-persuasion + my secret moves ( you lamer , how can you attak me without stopping the persuasion effect )

-cause i use heavy stance (pfff you don't know what a real saber fight is, you moron)

-push an pull ( do you know how to fight without force?)

-cause I use kicks...


To put it in a nutshell, it seems that a real tough and respectable jedi only use : Force of sight and his light saber as a flashlight


No, seriously! I'm a dark jedi who's just fallen to the light side of the force ( indeed I had underestimated the power of the light side). and I must admit one thing. Light side is as good as dark side.


A very skilled jedi can counter anything whether he's light or dark. So please don't ruine the game 'cause you're losing. Even the greatest jedi knight has fallen to one's light saber.


I've noticed that you guys have rules of engagement, so I'd like to add one rule:

- learn to accept your defeat,



Legend of Khaydarin


This is the EXACT reason I don't play online games, or play them very sparingly.


You show ANY ounce of skill AT ALL, with ANY weapon or power or something that another player can't do as well as you you're either:


A). A Cheaer.

B). A "Whore" of some type (Sniper Whore, Flechette Bitch etc. etc.)


I think that Penny Arcade had the best responce to this problem with attitudes on the net. They're going to make a Mod that has NO weapons in it, and you can't kill other players, so you can't possibly be called a cheater or a whore for doing something.




EDIT: The censor here doens't like that word... we'll see about that!:mad:


EDIT2: Good! That worked. There are benifits behind knowing the VB Board creator...

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Originally posted by Dale7007





i know the ppl who cant accept defeat are annoying


by not playing online youre making the ratio of those people go up compared to good players.....u cant let them get to you


im sorry if this sounds harsh but you are losing out on fun because ur being over sensative

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Guest HertogJan

Ah well... It's just my opinion, but I think there's nothing wrong with the force powers or anything in the game... It's the people who sue them!


Yeah I don't mind being drained once in a while, but I DO hate the people who use drain CONSTANTLY!! Yeah, I'd say that force drain is the most *****d forcepower in JO.


And I don't like weapons being *****d, like the AWM in CS and Drain in JO. Right now, it's like: the first one who presses and keeps pressing the drain button wins! And that just sucks...


Yeah the developers put drain in the game, but I'm sure they didn't want anybody to use drain and nothing else... The game becomes so boring when people only use drain... Yeah I've defeated people who were using drain, a lot of 'em, but it still IS annoying!


Just my 2 cents...

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If you're getting drained constantly by someone why don't you do this HertogJan, kill the sucker. Slash him with your saber, shoot him, or whatever to kill him cause it don't matter how much somebody drains you there's still some weapons and attacks that can kill them while they're draining you. Remember, drain can't kill you.

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Dark Force powers aren't hard to counter. There is no problem with the game, it's just that the whiners are so ****ing dumb!


I'm very suprised at the utter stupidity of this community. If you take a look a the current community at Massassi or the older JK community that was there, they were normal, nice people. Most of the people who post where are whining dumb ****ers who can never seem to just shut the **** up!

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Guest HertogJan

Hey I'm not whining! You'll never hear me saying that "it isn't fair", because it IS fair! But I'm sure that draining constantly (for instance), is NOT how the developers wanted it!


And yes, I still can beat drainers (as I said), but I would like to see fair play!

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