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Oh the greeness!! (skin)

The Truthful Liar

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Hrm, interesting color combinations...however, all you really did was re-color the Shadow Trooper skin, correct? Prepare to be flamed into oblivion by some of the egotistical "l33t" skinners around here. Re-coloring a skin is more than I ever tried, though. Maybe you can practice on a few more pre-existing skins, then soon start creating your own skins from scratch....

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Well this was not just a re-colorization of a skin. Recoloring it would have been VERY dull and not exactly adding some of the effects that I wanted.


I did try my best to add some cool highlights and detail + an unexpected color scheme...


... I Can't wait till I get uber-flamed :rolleyes:


Still, thanks for your 'input'. Keep them coming...


Cheers ;)

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Maybe I came off the wrong way...I think it looks pretty good, especially for a first skin (though to be honest I don't remember a heck of a lot of details about the Shadow Trooper, so I can't tell how much you added/changed other than the colors). I mentioned the flaming thing because I remember reading another thread around here where some guy recolored an existing skin (don't remember which one) and the thread turned into a flamefest because a few people decided to tear him a new one for colorizing an existing skin rather than creating an entirely original skin. It was pretty ugly as I remember ;)

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the skin looks nice man, I like it.


on a more personal note, as a fellow skinner, some are gonna like what you do, some won't, you'll never make a skin that everyone likes, people will always find something to ***** about, but skinning, just like any other art form (and I do beleive skinning is art) is something personal, and no matter how many people like/dislike your work, as long as you're happy with it, or the person who wears a skin you made, whether it be you or someone else, likes it, that's all that matters.


I started skinning for HereticII and the only reason I got into it at all was because I wanted my own look in the game, it only came with a few default skins and to see everyone running around looking exactly the same was incredibly boring. So I said to hell with it, I'll learn to make a skin for myself. My first skins were almost all solid black with some detail changes here and there, then I moved on to skin recolorations as I learned the tools a bit more, and eventually I could make just about any look I wanted for a skin and make originals.


for a first skin, you're light years ahead of where I was, so keep up the good work, and I look forward to seeing more skins from you in the future.


the purple one

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