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Need a little help with Bot Sabers


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I know there have already been threads on this before, but I can't seem to find them. I got sick of seeing only red and blue sabers on the bots in mp, so I went through th pk3 files and after awhile found bots.txt and saw the note about the darksider bots only having red sabers and the lightsiders only having blue, and then I saw the number of the saber color. I could give them new saber colors but I have two problems.


1-I don't know the numbers for the saber colors


2-Whenever I extract bots.txt and try putting in a random saber color number and saving it, I can't get it back in the pk3 file (I think assets0.pk3) with a pathname. What I do is open up the pk3 file, go back to the base dir, rightclick on the botfiles dir, hit add to zip, and then add it to the pk3 file. What I end up with is the original bots.txt with a pathname and only blue and red sabers, plus my new bots.txt without a path, and I cannot delete the old bots.txt and do not know how to give the new bots.txt a path. Would someone please help? I wish I could play mp more often on the net with ppl, but my net time is limited.


Thanks in advance for any help. :)

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Thanks for the help with the numbers and colors, I still can't get it completely working yet though. I have a completely edited version of bots.txt now, and made a new pk3 with nothing in it yet to put in it. But when I right click on the botfiles folder I made (with the new bots.txt in it) and hit add to zip and add it to the new pk3, it has no path, and therefore nothing happens when I run JKII. I can't figure out how to make the pk3 give the new bots.txt the path for the botfiles folder so it overwrites the original when I run the game. Thanks for the help so far though :) I've almost got it working.

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You might be having the same problem as me, after making the new bots.txt file with the different saber colors, I put it into a new pk3 file I have made, but the bots.txt doesn't have the folder info/path that makes it extract to the botfiles folder when I run the game.


Finally I have it working, maybe if you follow these steps it'll work.

1-Extract bots.txt to a folder called botfiles under youre base folder.

2-Make the edits on bots.txt, and save it.

3-Make a new .pk3 file in your base folder, I called it botfiles.pk3

4-go back to your base folder and right click on the botfiles folder and hit add to zip, with the botfiles .pk3 open in the background so you don't have to browse and select it in the add to zip dialog box

5-in the add to zip dialog it should have already have selected botfiles.pk3 for your zip file as you have it open in the background, simply hit add to zip and then inside botfiles.pk3 hopefully there will be the new bots.txt with the path \botfiles, if so you've done it, run the game in mp with some bots and you'll see the new colors.

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