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A problem for Editors and a wish for me...


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Im nearly done the game and i've noticed that theres no bystanders in the game, they had it in jk but not in this. They could have used some in Cloud City like civilians or people in Narr Shaada.


This is alrght but bad for editors, Im thinking of making sp levels for jk2 that I could use bystanders like a level at a city in Tatooine etc.


The problem can be solved by just making skins/3dos, but the 3dos in this game is far nicer than ones in jk so it'll take more time and more artistic.



Im hoping Raven adds like a little add-on pack along with the patch or editor that adds more 3dos and bystanders. Thats my wish so far.

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if cheats are activated you can type: npc spawn bartender in console and he pretty much is a bystander....but yea the lack of them is dissapointing...i loved going around slicing up the old guy and that woman that wehre walking around in jk1....

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