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My Jedi Outcast map, thoughts? (pics inside)


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This is my first map for a Quake III engined game. I'm still getting used to Radiant. The map uses JO textures, but is not compiled to run with it (testing in Quake III).


Well, the story is sketchy at best, but you'll start out in a hangar after landing in an imperial base (there is no way for a ship to get in or out of this room, I know, I'm working on it :) ). I will put a stationary gun nearby to get people started. You'll have all force powers maxed and a lightsaber in the beginning. This is just the first huge room of this map. It's singleplayer by the way.






There are one or two things sticking out of the ship and the floor texture doesn't fit, something I noticed after compiling :\

Well, what do you think? Any ideas for improvements. Be kind :jawa


Thanks to http://www.massassi.net for hosting.

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Crack 6K:


Your map is.... dark.


Yes, and I renforce that issue to the power of 10. If it's too dark, it's not enough fun. If you 'mean' it to be dark...




Maybe if you must, then just add some Hang lights from the top of the ceiling probably. Give it a more "basment" type of feeling.


Cheers ;)

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I agree with the dark comments...way too dark to tell exactly what the map looks like, other than a typical "crate-filled warehouse" type of area. I'm not saying it's bad or anything, but you should add some hanging lights and such (like someone else mentioned) and try to spice it up a little so it isn't just yet another box storage room that's so typical of the Quake games (especially Quake II). Or maybe if you want to leave it dark, you could add in a generator room where the player has to restore power to the building or something to turn on the lights (yeah, there's an original concept for a FPS.......)

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Yes Evan Nash, JORadiant is not availible to the public right now.


Everyone that has been doing early map development is using one of many versions of GtkRadiant until the GDK is released.


I've been hacking away at a couple CTF maps in GtkRadiant nightly 1.2.1, using JO textures by copying my JKO assets pak files to my Quake 3 Arena directory. And compiling and running the maps in Q3A at the moment.


When JORadiant comes out, its simply a case of importing the finished .map file, retexturing if needed, replacing Q3A entities with JO entity definitions, and compiling.


The two 3rd party developer maps that have come out, The Ladder, and Carbon Chamber were solicited by Michael Gummelt and Raven Software, a few weeks ago they said that they'd be happy to compile any user made maps made in any Radiant version. They're doing this, of course, to bug test the tools before they release them, unsupported to the community.


Now, stop being a dick

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Originally posted by Evan Nash

Ever heard of the new Carbon Chamber map?


Eat it.


Looks like he gave you a big 'No' and then you ate it yourself. :)


Staying on topic and off the flames, You ought to bump your visuals to max and take screenshots at 1024x768. Thats a common, marginal resolution and it will make your map look a lot better.

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It's me again. I did a run-through this morning.


About the Lightning: I added more lights (as you can see). If it's still too dark I'll add more, but it's suppost to be a darkish hangar. I drastically increased the amount of lightning near the key areas (the elevator, the command post and the huge metal door). The lightning is in place so that you know where to go right away.


About the Textures: Fixed.


About the Boxes: They are place holders for now (to prevent the player from getting to the other side of the ship).


About some things on the ship not quite making sense: Fixed. It also has evened-out textures now (except for one complicated section which causes errors).


Btw, 1.68 MB is the current size.





(Thanks to Massassi for hosting)


Well...I'll be back in a week or so. Things will/should look much better then :)



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lighting: when the devkit comes, light with -smooth -extra and -bounce 4.


also if youra taking screenshots, use /cg_drawgun 0 and cg_draw2d 0 before taking the shot. that way these yokels wont yell at you for taking shots in Q3.



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It's better but it's still way too dark. All I see is black, red, and some blue blurs on the screen. Also, your choice of textures doesn't really fit with the Star Wars theme. Your architecture in general seems decent, and with a bit more practice and experience, you can get something nice out. Just don't give up, you never know what you'll end up with!

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Originally posted by Evan Nash

Ever heard of the new Carbon Chamber map?


Eat it.


Ever heard or a README file!? Do what it says. It was compiled by Raven.


though I agree the map is too dark and it looks like the Garbage compacter level to be honest, with al the boxes and such.

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