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Special Moves Training or Just General


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If anyone wants, I will host a dedicated server towards showing off special moves and general saber tactics if you want or need help. I can also help with general questions about the game.

Server info

"Private Training"

password moldme

If you dont know how to connect to a private server or cant find the server in the browser. Go to Join Game click on Password at bottom and put the password in. Then hit "shift+~" then type this


That will connect you to my game. I only have the server setup for 4 people, so that means 3 others plus me. I only want people that want some help from me or someone else that might join. After posting this message I will stay in the game for about an hour or so, if noone shows up, then I will shut the server down Maybe try some other day or time. Its about 9 at night Central time. I live in the MidWest US, so If you have a good connection it shouldnt matter too much. I cant make the server much bigger since I am on cable but I run this server from time to time with up to 6 people with little lag problems. I dont want someone joining in and thinking its a free for all and wildly swinging at anything they see, go join a public server for that.

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