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Things that need to be taken out of FFA duels.


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1. Shields- Gives an unfair advantage to someone who has more, this is meant to be a face off of two jedi, no interruptions.


2. Bacta tanks- I was playing this one guy today who would refuse to duel until he had a bacta tank. It is basically giving you twice as much health as the opposition.


3. Saber throw needs to be restricted somehow! With no force powers to aid you besides jump, a person could make it so you couldn't catch them alllll day with rolls, etc. Don't tell me its not possible to avoid them that long because I've done it. You can just retreat and saber throw, if somebody takes a swing at you, take a step back and saber throw since their is NO RISK AT ALL, in doing a saber throw in these duels. I don't wanna hear any crying about just being able to block it because a saber throw at point blank is faster than a normal hit in ANY stance, and I am seeing this strategy way too much. EDIT: I thought of the idea of having only a certain amount of force power per duel and once you use it up you have no more.


4. Customize stances- Both players should be allowed the option to agree on stances allowed. I do use heavy, but I have more fun in a medium vs. medium fight. It is much more movie-like: more saber locks, blocks, cooler dodges etc.


5. Remove collision detection with people outside duels: self explanatory.


6. Fix the "Area Effect" strikes like like the heavy overhead combo that hurts you even after the swing is finished, same for the medium special. They leave themselves open for attack and if they miss they should pay for it.



That's about it :)

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I agree with your first and second point. There's no reason why one person should have an unfair advantage over another in a duel. Both should be taken to 100health/25 shields, period. Its not something thats going to be abused, and its only fair that both Jedi start on EQUAL footing, as one could easily have 100 health/200 shields. And disallowing bacta tanks, I think, is another good idea.


The other ideas, though, I think should stay. Number 5 esepcially, would be incredibly hard to code, I would imagine.


Oh, I didn't see point 6. Yeah, that should be taken care of as well, although thats a totally seperate issue really. But yeah, very annoying.

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Originally posted by RabidPlatypus

1. Shields- Gives an unfair advantage to someone who has more, this is meant to be a face off of two jedi, no interruptions.


Yes and no.


Yes, it does give an advantage, no it isn't "unfiar."


Personally, I think that when a duel is called (ie. the kind of duel that makes you invulnerable to everyone else apart from your opponent for the duration of the duel) both player's health and shields should be set to 100%.


This stops idiots who KNOW that someone is down to 3 health calling a duel and getting an easy kill.


Originally posted by RabidPlatypus

2. Bacta tanks- I was playing this one guy today who would refuse to duel until he had a bacta tank. It is basically giving you twice as much health as the opposition.


Stop whining and get your own.


Originally posted by RabidPlatypus

3. Saber throw needs to be restricted somehow! With no force powers to aid you besides jump, a person could make it so you couldn't catch them alllll day with rolls, etc. Don't tell me its not possible to avoid them that long because I've done it. You can just retreat and saber throw, if somebody takes a swing at you, take a step back and saber throw since their is NO RISK AT ALL, in doing a saber throw in these duels. I don't wanna hear any crying about just being able to block it because a saber throw at point blank is faster than a normal hit in ANY stance, and I am seeing this strategy way too much. EDIT: I thought of the idea of having only a certain amount of force power per duel and once you use it up you have no more.


It's not like Sabre throw is unlimited, your run out of force power and then you can't jump (something that's waaaay more useful if you ask me).


And as for not hearing any crying about how you can block it. Well, you can block it. And it's not us who's crying.


Originally posted by RabidPlatypus

4. Customize stances- Both players should be allowed the option to agree on stances allowed. I do use heavy, but I have more fun in a medium vs. medium fight. It is much more movie-like: more saber locks, blocks, cooler dodges etc.


That doesn't need to be changed. TALK to your opponent about it and see if he agrees.


Originally posted by RabidPlatypus

5. Remove collision detection with people outside duels: self explanatory.




Originally posted by RabidPlatypus

6. Fix the "Area Effect" strikes like like the heavy overhead combo that hurts you even after the swing is finished, same for the medium special. They leave themselves open for attack and if they miss they should pay for it.


That's dumb. Sabres do damage even if you touch someone with it. Why should it stop doing damage just because they missed a swing. If you're dumb enough to run into someone's sabre then you deserve to die!



Originally posted by RabidPlatypus

That's about it :)


Thank goodness... (/cheap parting shot)



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After playing with someone on my own server for a couple hours, we tested this so called left over effect of the special heavy move to see if we could duplicate it. Every single time he did the move I tried all kinds of things to get it to do damage to me and it didnt. Anytime you take damage from this happening, it is obviously either lag or you got hit from the saber coming up when the person goes back to normal stance. We tried this consecutively for about 10 or 12 hits and not once did it do any damage that the move isnt suppose to do.

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emon, please grow up and then come back. your post added just about nothing to the discussion except maybe 'youre a moron, he he, and im beavis, he he, oh wait, he he... or was i butthead, he he'. try it with arguments instead of insults and maybe some day somebody will take you seriously.


Originally posted by H.B.M.C.

This stops idiots who KNOW that someone is down to 3 health calling a duel and getting an easy kill.

yeah, but how to stop idiots that ACCEPT a duel with 3 health? sorry, it's really their fault. you could either set health and shield to a certain value during the duel and then back to the original values or... not much without taking someone away his shields for starting a duel.


Stop whining and get your own.


yep, let's all stand around the bacta tank and start searching your backpack while the opponent is hitting you with his saber *g*. or just not allow it just like heal or any other force. if you would be supposed to heal in a duel you could pickup medpacs, but you cant. a duel should start on equal chances WITHOUT first running through the level and collecting full shield and bacta.


And as for not hearing any crying about how you can block it. Well, you can block it. And it's not us who's crying.


just stand still and you realize every second throw will still cause some damage. dodging is better and results in two people running around. never played a duel where someone would only throw and run away all the time? met a few of those and after chasing him for 15min you just get tired and leave. duelling and being afraid to be hit just dont fit together.


That's dumb. Sabres do damage even if you touch someone with it. Why should it stop doing damage just because they missed a swing. If you're dumb enough to run into someone's sabre then you deserve to die!


red does more damage because you swing it harder, just touching a saber doesnt do much damage. so how come you die for stepping on it? or because you touched the players back after it? though i always thought it would be lag causing some strange effects while others tried it and talk about area effect and bugs. will have to wait for the next lan to try it out *g*


your argumentation might be 'realistic' but then blue, yellow, red should all do the same amount of damage no matter if you hit with a swing or just touch him by accident.

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are you guys idiots?


I want a fair duel, i'm not about to search around for a bacta tank every time I want a duel. As for the saber throw, yes you can block it but I've seen way too many people use their force power up throwing, rolling away til they get more force power and repeating the process. And yes, there are area effect on some of the moves. I tested it with my friend with a 20 ping. He did the heavy overhead chop, as soon as he finished his swing I ran in and it did 80 damage.


"That doesn't need to be changed. TALK to your opponent about it and see if he agrees."


I bet your one of the many assholes that give me a saber in the face when I try to type during a duel.



Jesus everyone on this board thinks they're elite: I always have a bacta tank handy, I always have adequate shields, no saber blocks never get through my block because I never swing my saber.


EDIT: And thanks to trienco for somebody with common sense posting on this thread.

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I agree with every thing you suggest.....thats why I mostly fight on FFA and duel, no-force servers. However, having now spent some time on Force & sabre only servers....this is where the game balance truely shines. Personally I would like to see both players who engage in a duel get full shields. And maybe one Bacta. When some proper maps are release for FFA 1on1 dueling it will all start to make sense for the dueling crowd. Then the challenge duel and the duel gametype will most likely loose favor to the Honor Duel.

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hm, i dont know if bacta for everyone would be a good idea. would only cause people to use the one hit kill even more (because with anything else you would have to hit them even more often). i'm not sure how much damage a nice swing in red stance does, but i guess if youre full on health it should leave you with a little health left. that way the attack would be nice to kill with one hit but not THAT much more effective that everybody will only do this attack over and over again.


soon somebody will show up to say how useless this is, that we will never get the game we always wanted to have. but why not? this game is pretty close to be the best of its kind for sw-fans, so why not iron out the few things that spoil it. and no, its not about changing the game so OUR way to play it will be superior to everything else. it's about NO single way to be superior to all the others and in this case: having fair duels without people doing the same attack all the time or camping around the bacta tank.

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