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Ideas JKII:O that I'd like to see in the game


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First, at the force selection game, the 3 sabre sections are already maxed. I believe they should be blank at first, just like the forces. Most people new to the game leave it there, or don't know you can take it out there. This makes just about everyone the same "point-wise" in Sabre. So, you'll ALWAYS see the same attack moves/skills in sabre fights.


Second, I'd much rather there be a choice for the server admin to give the server classes. Perhaps each class starts with the weapons, or are allowed to use them.


IE Sniper,heavy gunner, Jedi (ways of force and excels at sabers),gunner, etc


This way, you don't see someone running around with a sabre suddenly pull out a repeater and blow everyone away, then go up running with a sabre finishing move, then running off and sniping.


Giving classes would make the players unique. If you're running along, and you see someone with a saber, that is a unique class that uses the saber and you know you're in for a fight.


It would use the ole paper and scissors thing.


Heavy Gunner beats saber (repeater, fletch, rockets)

Sniper beats Heavy Gunner

Jedi beats sniper (Tough to snipe a moving target)

Gunner is the jack of all trades (get the other "normal" weapons)


Of coarse, everyone can kill eachother, but it's easier for some against others.



Against, this not to be FORCED, but an OPTION for server admins.

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