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Prisoners die too fast


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I'm having a bit of trouble with the level on Artus after you have freed the prisoners and have to keep them from being killed. I've played through the game twice on regular difficutly settings and had no trouble. I decided to try out one of the harder difficuties and just cant seem to shoot the storm troopers fast enough before I get the message that too many prisoners have died and have to try again. Things go so fast that the ATST doesnt even get a chance to come out before I lose. I keep killing storm troopers but they are replaced faster than I can shoot them. Does anyone know if there is some trick I could use to beat this level? I really want to be able to try the rest of te game at this difficulty but as it looks now I'm gonna be stuck replaying it at normal difficulty again.

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at jedi knight difficutly u gotta be fast.


i ignored the lower at-st. just hit the elevator and get on that canon. dont waste shots on the stormtroopers on the ledge. just hit the at-st that comes out of the hanger. hit the stormtroopers with handheld guns.


that is only one ruf areas of the game that requires u to protect other peeps.


good luck


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Well, I solved my own problem. I'm not sure if on higher difficulties stormtroopers are more accurate, their shots do more damage, or both. All I know is that at the jedi Knight defficulty setting, they can take out more than enough prisoners before that secont ATST even has a chance to come out. However, I finally found a slution that works, if only some of the time.

First off I have to say with how good the stormtroopers are on this difficulty, luck is just as important as speed. IF they get too many lucky shots off (nice that the prisoners are hiding behind a bunch of explosive crates) it wont matter what you do. Just try and try and try again and hope the stormtroopers take a little longer to kill everyone next time.

As for my strategy, this is what I did.


1) heath is very important here. PArt of my trouble is that I started the level with 50/50 health and shields and 1 bacta which get eaten up really quick. On the previous level, make sure you picked up all the health, shields, and bactas that you can. Also, to use my exact strategy, be sure you hae at least a couple thermal detonators


2) as soon as the level starts, switch to thermal detonators and haul butt towards the door where the stormtrooper and officer are. be sure you are charging the detonator while you move. As soon as the door opens, throw and hope it kills both of them but chances are it wont. if needed, switch immidiatelly to blaster rifle and blow away whoever survived the blast (most likely the officer)


3) as soon as possible, switch back to thermals, and hit the switch that controls the platform. run as fast as you can towards the platform and be sure not to be hit by the rockets being thrown at you by the ATST. As soon as your on the upper level, go into the door where the other officer is waiting and kill him with the detonator. quickly grab the health pack if needed and haul butt to the next step.


4) This is where things get tricky. On normal difficulty setting, I was able to snipe most of the stormtroopers off the ledge until the three came out of the room to the right. I dont remember if they were replaced as fast or not but either way, I had plenty of time before too many prisoners were killed. Then, after killing the tree, I was able to take out the first ATST as well as the one that goes after the prisoners with the turret gun. As I said before, on the higher difficulty, the storm troopers on the ledge are more than enough to kill the prisoners in very short order.

The solution I came up with is a bit suicidal but after a few tries will eventually work. What you have to do is as soon as that last officer is killed, run out right in the middle of things and start spraying blaster fire at as many stormtroopers on the ledge as you can. You most likely wont kill any but they will start shooting at you instead of the prisoners. Once the tree come out of the room to the right, take them out as fast as you can before too many of the guys on the ledge switch back to the prisoners. If enough prisoners (and you) are still alive after the three are dead, the ATST will quickly come out of the hangar. As soon as it starts to come out, run to the turret and take out the new ATST as quick as possible. This can be tricky since the ATST on the lower level will be shooting rockets at you wich can kill you quick if you dont have enough health left. On the easier difficulty, I would take him out first but the new ATST kills the prisoners too fast for that. AS soon as the ATST is history, get off the turrets and run towards the hangar to get ot of range of the other ATST.


5) Once the ATST is killed, the prisoners are safe and you only have to worry about yourself. The fun I had at this point was that the turret I could have taken out the other ATST with was out of commission, and I only had 2 health left. I was amazed that I was able to survive the next step at all but if anyone else gets in this situation, here's what I did. First, a couple stormtroopers will come up on the platform to suprise you so you'll need to be prepared. AFter they are taken out, try to find a spot where you can snipe a few of the stormtroopers on the ground without being hit by ATST rockets. NExt, hit the platform switch and take a ride to the bottom. As soon as the platform is low enough, haul butt towards the hangar at the other end of the canyon. on the way, many stormtroopers will come out after you. On the easier difficulty I took out each group one at a time, but with 2 health and an ATST on my butt, I figured I should just make a run for it. So, ignore the stormtroopers and keep running but try to put a bit of a zig zag in the run to keep from being shot in the back. When you get close enough to the hangar, it will open with a pair of stormtroopers and another ATST waiting for you. ignore theses as well and jump onto the hangar and head to the door on the right. Once, inside you'll be safe from the small army that was chasing you. Amazingly, I was able to do this last step in one try. Made me feel good after having to repeat the first part of the mission about a million times. Things dont get easy after this but a lot more manageable. Also, you'll eventually get access to more shields and health which makes life a lot easier. As for that army that was left in the canyon, you can snipe one or two stormtroopers from that door you ran through to safety. The rest can be taken out by the other turrets lining the canyon. just be careful not to get hit by ATST rockets while on those turrets. A good strategy I found is to take a few shots with te turret, then jump off and run back a few steps before the rocket impacts.


I'm assuming most people wont try the harder difficulties, but for those who do, have fun. A lot of things that were easy on normal difficulty become a real challenge

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