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Creating worlds, creative people ohoy...


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Right from when I was a kid playing with my SW action figures, one of the things I loved the most about the whole SW universe, was the amount of creativity that had gone into creating the style, atmosphere and culture of it all.


I used to daydream about Cloud City, trench runs and dealing with the scum and villany of Mos Eisley. Dreams led to lego building, lego building led to Quake level design which in turn led to HL level design and drawing, which led to a job as a level designer, which led to me moving to Scotland for two years to get a Bachelor degree in Computer Arts (I'm from Denmark).


So what does all this have to do with you, you might be inclined to ask...


Well I really like JO, I think it's a good game. It's severely lacking in a bunch of areas, and a lot of people seem to have problems facing that, but that's the facts however cold they might seem. Nonetheless, the engine it's running on, combined with the way of the jedi's (the force powers and saber combat) makes it the perfect engine for getting creative within the SW universe.


Now I've had a look around the net, but I haven't been able to find any really serious places that deal with the design and style of Star Wars, specifically within the confinces of JO. If I've overlooked a board or site, I'd love to hear about it.


But going on the hunch that I haven't, I'd like to open a forum on my board for people who're seriously into the creative side of SW. It will be heavily moderated, since one of the points of it would be to filter out all of the ranting that seems to go on here, in that way it'll be 100% focused on creating and sharing locations, characters, storylines and so on and so forth for JO.


Well that's just an idea anyway, would you be interested in such a place?

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i dont feel comfortable in some of the levels in JO, both MP and SP.

for example, the level where you have to sneak into the garbage processor (forgot the name.) it doesnt feel like the SW universe. all those platforms just feel like a Q3 map. where are the guardrails? the detailing? it just feels wrong. also, the bespin maps (again, SP and MP) dont feel like were they are. picking somewhere that should, for all intents and purposes, be a crouded street or bar, and then having it stripped of customers and any extra props, is a mistake. the grand architecture of the E1 styling (which, as far as i can work out, was where cloud city is based on), corruscant, all the epic structures were watered down and lost in the translation.

to the point:

as far as your statements are concerned, i think that epic feel is whats needed. SW is about being OTT, not a half assed attempt like the deathstar (did anyone notice they combined both the 1st one, with the shield generator, cargo bay and the compactor, and the emperors chambers) just feel bleh. good for MP, but not for STAR WARS MP.


just MHO.

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