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Saber Spinning Idiots


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Ok, saber duels in single player were awsome...so whats going on in multiplayer? All I see is people running and spinning around like mad men with sabers in their hands. It's like a bunch of little kids got into a box of light sabers and having a grand old time. Is this the best technique, because I do have a hard time dealing with this, or is this just buch of idiots playing Jedi and this method of play actually has an easy counter? It just seems like it's so hard to block this kind of play, it's like my guy doesn't do the auto block with his light saber or something. Am I missing something or is that just the way a good saber dueler plays....gay.

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I play mostly Duel, but DM can be a blast with the right people. Spamming the One Hitter into a crown and diving into a pile of people Spinning seems to be the way to win FFA matches unless you want to use the guns.


Personally I don't go for points, just some good matches. If the saber spin is your biggest peve, look for good players and go after them and challenge them to duels. This is a bizarre game in that there seems to be a big difference in having fun or winning.


My suggestion is to just have fun. If you don't like something don't just do it to win, do what you want to make the game enjoyable.


When I join a FFA game and use the saber only, on med stance, and come out on top (rarely) I feel pretty damn good about myself. But If i get POed and go for the every popular Exploits and come out on top I just feel like ass.

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Amen brotha! It's a lot more fun to do well with a balanced/underpowered weapon than completely mow down everyone with an overpowered weapon/technique. But when someone comes in and starts doing the latter, it's a lot less fun. :(


That reminds me of earlier today; a guy challenged me to a duel, then gripped me off the edge of the platform. :lol: I hated his guts, but I couldn't help laughing. :D

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The flailing spinners are the easiest to beat really. If you take some time and learn which way the saber goes generaly, those people are easy to counter. I have seen some people join a game and its like they have a button to start attack and it never stops(seriously, i have watched them in spectator sometimes). Just time your strafe attacks to their back or sides, once you learn to "control" the saber in MP, it becomes alot more enjoyable to play. The reason I say "control" is it is still very random sometimes. If you just stand in one position and hit and hold attack, you will see about 4 different swings from the same spot. Raven made it a lil too random, but learning those swings will get easier with time.

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Raven did the same thing with HereticII


the blade combat in the original release was very random, you had little or no control of whether you swung overhand, or sideways, but in the EP's they released for the game later on, that was corrected and you had total control of every attack.


Hopefully they'll do the same with this game or if not, maybe someone will code in some more control after the tools are released.




is it me or does it seem like it's taking forever to get some tools for this game????


the purple one

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Thats because mp physics and saber rules are LAME. Saber hit detection in the mp game is absurd. It makes no sense considering the sp game has it down perfect. But they decided to use a whole new set of idiotic saber rules for MP which just encourage spazzofests.


Download the ladder map and try these settings for what the ultimate in saber battling should be.


g_speed 200

g_sabermovespeed -1


The pace of movement is slower and more controlable. And when you swing your saber you cant move for a second while you swing. None of this bumper car/jousting mp crap.

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