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MP Cheat Question


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On a Cheats-Enabled server, deactivate your saber (hit 1 again after you have it out), open the console (Shift and ~), and type "/THEDESTROYER" (with no quotes). It'll make the screen rumble, and the console will say "THE DESTROYER COMETH!"


It's a little buggy, though, I've had some lockups while experimenting with it.

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Just for fun I thought I'd try out the destroyer code to see what it was like. The problem I'm hgaving is that I dont know how to tell if a server allows cheats or not. I figured I could try creating a game but found no way to enable cheats. I'd really like to know theses things so Ican both try out a few cheats and avoid playing on a sever that does allow them.

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To enable cheats do this on your own server:


1.) Go to the console by pressing Shift + ~ .


2.) In the console type devmap mapname . An example of a mapname is ctf_bespin. So it would be: devmap ctf_bespin


3.) This will reload the map and now it should say CHEATS ENABLED while loading. If it doesn't work the first time, try try again. I've only had that happen once.


4.) Once cheats are enabled just type the cheats as you would. The double bladed lightsaber cheat is "\THEDESTROYER" without quotes.



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