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Cairn dock 1, stealth!


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ok ive managed to get passed a lot of the level. But i am on the part where you seem to enter two doors. There are 2 stormtroopers in front of you, an officer behind glass in front of them, and numerous soldiers to the left. How do i get through this without alerting all the other men and therefore having the officer trigger the alarm??



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this one was tricky.





















Above the door to the left is a small ledge. Jump onto the lamp by the wall and then onto the ledge. There's a small hole you crawl through and come out on a ledge above the room with the Imps. It's a good idea to crouch and deactivate you lightsaber at this point. To your right there should be an R5 unit working on a panel. Beside that panel is a blue switch. Hit the switch to turn off the lights in the room then make your way to a door on the other side of some big glass work stations. Once you're inside the door-way and the door closes it's a good idea to save your game before you open the next door.:rodian:

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Originally posted by greedo626

this one was tricky.


Above the door to the left is a small ledge. Jump onto the lamp by the wall and then onto the ledge. There's a small hole you crawl through and come out on a ledge above the room with the Imps. It's a good idea to crouch and deactivate you lightsaber at this point. To your right there should be an R5 unit working on a panel. Beside that panel is a blue switch. Hit the switch to turn off the lights in the room then make your way to a door on the other side of some big glass work stations. Once you're inside the door-way and the door closes it's a good idea to save your game before you open the next door.:rodian:

yep i'm exactly there.. however.. when i open the door on the other side of the room after going though the room in the dark.. i open the door and it alerts all the people.. it's really annoying cause i've done this over and over again.. oh and something else I noticed is that if the lights get turned back on you CAN'T turn them back off.. in other words you are just screwed if you didn't save before you turn off the lights.. grr...

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i had the same problem. i said screw it. what i did was on top by the swich, force speed and run like hell, could not beleave it had worked but it did.....


mighta been a fluke..... tryed it all mind trick jump TD's theworks, only speed worked.

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First, the droid is a GONK, not an R5.


Second, the officer behind the glass has an override switch that brings the lights back on, so you only get one chance. Unfortunately, I figured this out AFTER I had flipped the switch and quicksaved :(


Third, Force Speed is good here. I suggest turning on the light goggles before turing off the lights, otherwise you can't see anything either :) Then, hit the switch and run like crazy for the door. You may have to mindtrick one of the officers. Let the door close and then SAVE!!

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Ok, I've read all of your suggestions, and those work for me. I can get the room lights off and to the door I need to, but as soon as I open the door, I get busted and it cuts to the detention center sequence. Game over.


It doesn't seem to matter how fast or what route I take through the room. I've got it down to a fine art as I've gone through this room more than 2 dozen times without sucess. As soon as I open the first door, I get caught.


So what step am I missing? How do I not get caught as soon as I open the door???


Thanks for any tips you guys can give!

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