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childhood memories.


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earlier, Griswold started a topic about The Teenage Mutant Hero/Ninja Turtles and this brought back a lot of memories about my childhood and the things we used to watch on TV back then. do you guys remember them? ah, the golden years. lets reminice.:rolleyes:

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I remember the tv show Romper Room.... No one else that i know does... please someone say that they have heard of it!!!


Romper Stomper Tomper do Tell me Tell me Tell me true, who do I see in my majic mirror today..... i see natalie and john... ect.


Come on someone has to know what i'm talking about



grrr... and they never said my name either!!!


Oh and there was Thunder Cats.. that was good too and transformers... I still have the old transomfer movies and the ninja turtles movies....




:( i want to be young again!!

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OMG i just remember something else i remember.. hehe (i dont think that made any sense) those old Batman tv shows, not the cartoons, where when they fought it would say POW BAM! WHOOSH ok maybe it didnt say whoosh but you get what i mean :) i loved those episodes... "tune in next time, same bat time same bat place" (or something like that) I love these old memories

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