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Another "Dark Kyle", Opinions requested.

Infinity Blade

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I just recently started skinning for JO after dabbling with it in JK, and after spending some time with it, I've finally gotten the hang of it again. I've got a LOT of skins I'm wanting to do, but alas I must wait for the tools (like everyone else).


SO, I decided to do some more simple skins in the meantime, and thought about doing some of my favorites from JK. At the time no one had really done a dark kyle, so I went with that. It was progressing fairly well, but then someone released a version of it, so now I don't know whether anyone would be interested in it or not.


Here's some screens if you wanna check it out:


Comparison between Kyle's and My "Dark Kyle" face.


Front Side Body Shot.


Left Side Body Shot.


Right Side Body Shot.


Back Side Body Shot.


Dark Kyle with Saber Lit.


Close-up with Saber Lit.



I thought I'd see if anyone was interested, and also thought I'd get opinions of from those who'd offer it. The skin itself didn't take that long to do, as it is mainly a repaint of several different textures, albeit modified in many ways.


This skin is essentially complete, yet I was thinking about making team skins as well. Anyway, thanks for checking it out and tell me what you think!

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I like it alot, especially the facial detail.


The only problem I could say I really have with it is some of the texture reuse. The Shadow_Trooper back really doesn't seem to fit. But it still looks really good.


I'd tweak it a bit more and release it, its a very nice skin either way.

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I really like the eyes.


With the dark side, it rots your body..


Maybe make his hair a little different? Maybe even greyer? Maybe ALL grey...like the Dark side aged his body, so not only is the side of his hair grey, but all of his hair and his beard as well?


Those eyes rule.

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I'm still working out some of the finer details of it, and modifying bits here and there. I'm trying to rework the back texture to make it seem less mechanical, and also have to make team versions.


As far as altering the hair, I was going to make it a little less colorful, yet still brown (also going to add a few gray streaks).


As far as eyes go, I loved the idea of a white iris, and also was going to add a glow. I've altered a different head that makes it look like it's glowing, but duplicating the effect on this model wasn't that easy. I was also worried about the bloodshot effect, but I like the way the eyes turned out though.


Anyway... I'll probably post an update pic of it soon!

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i like it. the only problems i have are ones i have with the model :)


he always looks so... enthralled. like he just watched a thundercats marathon or something. his eyes are so googly.


my other beef is posture, which you really cant fix. kyle just looks silly.


good skin tho!



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