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Favorite Sp Moment **spoilers**


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What's your favorite single player moment so far?


This game continues to impress me...I'm not through yet, but so far, these things tie for greatest moments in the game:


1. Fighting against first reborn guy on the catwalks above Cloud City

2. Dueling Tavion

3. Fighting along side Luke in the hangar and cutting everyone down



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Must have been AI glitch, sometimes the Jedi bots will get stuck trying to jump on a non-existing ledge (you may encounter that in Yavin Courtyard too), but most of the time they are fine (Luke was able to fight pretty well, cut down more enemies than I did, I remember). I have not seen a game yet where bots would not exhibit some kind of glitch. Remember that when programming bots you are dealing with heuristics (performing actions that hopefully lead to a solution, but achieving the solution is never guaranteed) - and bugs there are a normal state of things.


Back on topic. My favourite hub is Bespin Cloud City, with the culmination in fighting Tavion (which is also a turning point in the plot), and also the last Yavin hub, particularly fighting alongside the Jedi on the Academy grounds. Nar Shaddaa Streets look quite impressive, too.


But I still liked Mysteries of the Sith more, particularly the Katraasi Space Port, Kaerobani's Base and Dromund Kaas Swamp/Temple/Ruins mission. If you are unfamiliar with the plot, that action takes place five years after Kyle defeated Jerec, and now goes off to the planet of Dromund Kaas where an ancient Sith temple was rumored to be. After waiting for him to return for a long time, his apprentice, Mara Jade, goes to the planet and into the temple only to find that Kyle fell to the dark side. She must then find Kyle in the temple ruins and win him back to the light.

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in Artus_Topside, as you are progressing down the canyon, a tie gets hit by one of the Ion Cannon shots, and down it goes. That, or this one time... I was using the light stance and ran through a door, right past a storm trooper (bad thing to happen in master diff) carriing a flak cannon. my mind says "oh S***" as i instinctily hit back and attack, and do the back stab attack on him.

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The first Reborn fight in Cloud City is pretty cool, the bar fight in NS is very nice, there are lots of other small areas that are pretty cool. I still laugh my ass off whenever I come to the stormtroopers talking about being a Tie pilot, and the biggest ship they've ever flown in.


The BEST moment ever though, was due to a small game glitch. In the level where you fight Tavion, you come up to a small chamber which looks out over the landing platform where Tavion and some stormies are standing. When you throw the button, the turns around, lights her saber and looks at you.


The very first time I came there, I took my binoculars, and zoomed all the way in on her, to see her expression. Now, at that distance, some of the polygons started messing up a little (Damn game messing up with Det3 27.42), and I swear that she looked like this :eek:


So I thought she was scared! :D


So I saw her standing there, looking all scared and trembly, and I was going like "Yeah that's right! That's right! Be afraid! Who's the man, huh?! WHO'S THE MAN?! I'm coming for ya Baby!", shouting and spitting at my monitor and thumping my chest like John Starks (of the Knicks) in his prime time.

And like a mad jedi on crack I rushed down there to kick her ass!



Needless to say, she proceeded to cut me to ribbons, as this was the very first time I faced her :D



Heh, maybe I need to take these kind of things less seriously :D



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The first reborn fight in Bespin. I was like "oh **** how the hell am I gonna beat this guy!?" (this is before I found out they were easier then drunk 15 year old girls ;)). He came up to me and laughed. So I force-pushed and he went flying off the cliff "ahhhhh......" DEAD. :p

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the hardest laugh i had in ns-streets, pretty much at the beginning (maybe u can replay it) outside of the bar, killing the first snipers, looking up to the glass-tunnel which u will use when u are almost at the end of the level.

theres a guy (one with the sniper gun) running from one side to the other and back, almost impossible to hit with a direct shot ...


i remember very well, that i didnt really think about it, i shot one of the glass floor parts, it broke, and when the guy came running there he fell through it, it looked so cool ...


me ended up roflmao

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