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How long till patch


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I'd estimate at least until early June. Figure that they have to do the following:


1.) Decide what to fix.


2.) Decide HOW to fix it.


3.) Actually code the fixes.


4.) Debug the fixes they made that didn't work and try again.


5.) Submit a product to QA people.


6.) Have the QA people work with the beta patch for a while and test it out, make sure it works the way they want, etc.


7.) Maybe conduct a public beta test and finally...


8.) Release the patch itself.


Unless there are really glaring issues with the game, IE: it won't run on chipset X or soundcard Y causes a BSOD when soundfile Z is played, they won't put this too high on their priority list. At least not in the sense of getting it out the door NEXT WEEK. None of the issues we've addressed in our various rants/complaints/suggestions actually deal with compatibility and net play. The game does run fairly smoothly and is for the most part not that buggy (minus, perhaps, the unblockable swing working after you've swung momentarily, and the kyle_arms skin being accessible), so it's not like they have to get around to fixing all of our issues just yet.

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Actually with FPS games with as large a multiplayer base as this one has (1021 servers last I checked, not counting Zone based servers), most development companies are pretty quick to start the patch process.


Nerve software had patches out for RTCW within about a month, Id Software put out the first Q3A point release within about 2 months of the games release.


Especially if there are glaringly obvious gameplay issues that have to be addressed to keep the multiplayer aspect of the game from withering and dying like an unwatered plant.


I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see a small succession of patches over the next few months that will address different issues in the game, and possibly one large one somewhere in there that might rework MP saber animations and physics, and other larger jobs.


Raven has alot of bright folk working for them, and most of them are gamers themselves. So I can't see them delaying fixes for a game with this large an online player base. Elite Force was a whole different story, I think there were a total of about 300 people playing it multiplayer. Thousands of people are playing JO.

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