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Firsty, I just wanted to introduce myself to the group, I'm Azraelt, Light Force Jedi, and Saberist.


Anyways, I am noticed that most of the Multiplayer community is horrible!


The other day a good friend and I were going to duel, I told him to come to the AT-ST room in the garbage facility. I told everyone that I was waiting for him in there, and that I would be standing on top of the AT-ST with my saber retracted. So they would not attack me. Well they did, all of them. I shrugged it off, and went on to the next map, bespin, and my friend and I were both on the roof, both with our saber retracted walking towards each other to get close enough to start a duel. Two morons come up with rocket launchers and blow us both up. We try again, this time I say, "I am going to be dueling on the rooftop, please just stay away for 30 seconds so we can get the duel started." No suck luck, two guys came up and started fighting us, we warded them off but we had about 50 hp left. We began to duel, 4 people came up and started fighting on the rooftop, getting in our way. We jumped down, and walked over to the rocket pad. There was also 5 people there. I just said screw it and jumped off the pad.


Next map, yavin, I asked him to join me in the basement for a duel, I said I would be waiting there with my saber retracted. Two peopel came down and started attacking me, I didn't even move when they shot at me, but they didn't stop.


Why are people so cheap? They cannot respect the wishes of others? You might say "go to a duel server" well personally I hate to wait for that, and also my friend and I are regulars on that server, we always duel there and dueling is even encouraged. I can't understand how people are so inconsiderate.


I obey all the rules of the saberist code, actually I started doing that type of stuff before the code came out, it's just proper.


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If you don't want to wait, get some patience. I duel exclusively and only play on duel servers. You go to FFA/CTF servers and try and treat them as Duels, and you will get that kind of treatment. You're supposed to. Its FFA/CTF, remember?



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Is it too much to ask that people respect the wishes of other people and just show some common respect?


Apparently not. Many people want to go to servers labelled "Free for All" and shoot and get shot indiscriminately. However, no matter how simple the concept, some lamers refuse to bend and insist on being treated differently.



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I think it's kind of selfish to say that you're waiting for someone in a location and assume that everyone should steer clear. You were on an FFA server, and FFA players customarily do not tolerate "This part of the map belongs to me and my duel buddy" very well.


Just my two cents.

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btw re: dualing(sp?) in ffa.


in bespin streets, what has been working on the servers i play on(sabs only, NF) the landing pad is for doing/watching duals, where the street part(with the two overhead walkways) the ffa/crazy/slashamatics go. and there are never any problems. if someone trys to get some cheap kills at the pad, the offending wacho gets a heavy saber in the face. yep right off the pad.


just some ideas for you to think about.



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I think some people are getting annoyed by the others who are trying to play this like Q3/UT, where they can just fire randomly etc and get kills. Some people are trying to add a little more to the game, take a little bit from the movies/EU to add to their gaming experience.

I don't agree with the "go to a duel server" call either. I just think that is better if you guys chat outside of JK2, and work out your duels there, don't let everyone know you are going to duel at whatever point on the map. I don't agree with those that say "It's a FPS game, meant to be killing here" I don't see that Q3/UT had such a great melee weapon as the sabre.

I see this as a game that is adding to the long history and lore of Star Wars, and people want to be able to imitate that in the game. Give them their space, instead of taking cheap kills. Some of us out there actually prefer to judge ourselves on the quality of the kill, not the quantity...

dkc4C, I think it is the FFA players who were bought up on Q3/UT that do not tolerate people dueling, and the code they try to stick to. After all Unreal and Quake have no "real" plot or storyline, and no real folklore about them. Star Wars has 25 years to buld up the kind of feelings and history around it.

Perhaps it is us that want to play the game not just for the frags, who want to try and be like Anakin, or Obi-Wan, or Maul. That we think that there CAN be some honorable MP people out there who don't just kill so they can "own" the level.


That's my $AU5 worth - or in the current economic situation, about $US0.02!

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