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Finished the game


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Yeah, I know, there's probably a thread on the game somewhere, but people hate it when others bring back old threads. Ok, so here goes:


First, If you haven't finished the game yet, go away :D



Well I finally finished this ridiculously hard game on the supposedly easiest skill setting. I am so mad at Raven for making the game this way. First you gotta pay attention to every itty bitty little detail for puzzles. Nar Shadaa is annoying with the snipers and the turrets in Reelo's hideout. The jumping puzzle on the ship is too easy to fall. Driving the ATST is kinda tough and it's easy to die. THe swamptroopers are invincible in the water and can't be affected by the force. The rockettroopers are too powerful!


Also, I'm also pissed that Raven released a game that constantly freezes for me and many others with great computers :mad:. Finally, Raven should add in all the realistic dismemberment options in the game and put 3rd person camera options in the menu. THey should put in all the saber stances, including the hidden ones, in both single and multiplayer too. I sometimes feel like I have no control over myself in duels. Heretic II and Hexen II were a bit easier with sword fighting.


The bots should be better too. I play jedi master bots and beat them, but when I go and play with people on duel servers, I get my ass whooped.


I thought the story was cool, but you knew that Jan wasn't really dead. Also, I think Kyle should've kept the black outfit from MotS; I'm using the single player darkkyle skin and it looks so much cooler.

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Originally posted by Demolisher

First you gotta pay attention to every itty bitty little detail for puzzles.


I thought that was good, actually. It made you really think about your environment, instead of just blasting your way from start to finish, which happens too often in other games. :)


Nar Shadaa is annoying with the snipers and the turrets in Reelo's hideout.


The snipers were fairly easy to take down, IMO. Again, it was a matter of stepping carefully, and using the electrobinoculars to scan an area from a distance. As other's have said elsewhere, if you crouch and then zoom...you don't lose zoom when you move, so you can power up a shoot, and get a quick hit-scan.


As for the turrets, just turn on Force Speed, keep moving, and pump some heavy blaster fire into each one until it blows, then move to the next. That way you're reducing the amount of fire coming at you. The mistake is to shoot at all of the turrets, without waiting for one to explode...


The jumping puzzle on the ship is too easy to fall.


If you're talking about the Rubik's Cube puzzle...I can't say I fell much, but I just got bored with it. It slowed the game to a dead stop unnecessarily IMO, so I looked up a walkthrough to find the positions of each code to save time.


Driving the ATST is kinda tough and it's easy to die.


Hmmm...you only die easily if you go full throttle into an area. I took out all the turret-type guns and missile troopers out from a distance - took my time, scanned every rock face. The only gripe I had with it was the crosshair movement on occasion - the actual AT-ST you were driving sometimes obscured what you were aiming at, which made it more difficult. Battling an AT-ST was a little tougher...but okay if you can find a little bit of cover and keep strafing as you fire. Also...you are not confined to just one AT-ST. There is another one parked halfway along your route, with the top open...and I switched, which instantly game me full armour again. :)


THe swamptroopers are invincible in the water and can't be affected by the force.


You're mistaken on this one, I'm afraid. I had no problems frying them, gripping them, pushing them...you just have to make sure you are in range...which may mean getting your feet wet. :) I was continually gripping Swamptroopers right out of the water, and slamming them around the scenery. Quite funny actually. :D


The rockettroopers are too powerful!


Only if you don't see the missiles coming...if you do, it's a simple matter of aiming at the offending rocket and using Push to deflect it. You do need to be quick, though...so a little burst of Force Speed comes in handy to slow everything down. ;)


I thought the story was cool, but you knew that Jan wasn't really dead.


I totally agree with you. It was far too obvious to me - but then, this sort of thing has been done to death in the movies, so you can see cliched plot points coming a mile off. Therein lies a large part of the problem with many games...they are trying too hard to emulate the movie style, and falling into the same plot traps. It would have been more of a surprise - and a brave move - if they had killed her off...and retained the Dark/Light path progression, so Kyle could have gone all bad again. But I digress. ;)

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