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MP cheat ?? THIS SUX


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I'm positive it will be removed in the next patch.


couldn't somebody make and release a replacement model for that skin? somethign bright and shiny would be good...


Then every time some guy thinks "hahaha i r leet" he'd actually be plainly visible


This could easily done client side.. so that you see a shiny skin, whereas everyone else sees the default one. Just make a new model/skin with the same file name in your pk3 file(s).

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If people want to get into semantics then technically using ANY model outside of the ones on the character selection screen is, to an extent, cheating. You're using an undocumented console command to use a model not available for general selection. The way I personally see it, you can either download new skins and petition the host to copy them onto the server or you can wait for the SDK and people releasing new models. Anything else is, to use a roleplaying term, munchkinism.



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I know you are all on the hand model thing, but i saw someone post earlier about morgan katarn's ghost model... i was wondering how you get that skin for MP, i looked around in the PK file but i really didn't look hard enough, and i know at least one person posting on this thread knows, so please help me out. thanks

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I use the Reborn/Boss skin in multiplayer because I think it looks much cooler than the default orange skin. How is that cheating? It gives me no advantage in the slightest. Even the headless model is really just for laughs. The hands model, however, gives you a HUGE advantage in duels, and I'll be extremely disappointed if it isn't disallowed in multiplayer next patch(though I hope they either leave in the other console-only ones or make them selectable).

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Originally posted by TripLe

its a model, already in game.


you can use it, he can use it, anyone else can use it.


chill, its not a cheat.


Depends on your definition of "cheat". In the most general of definitions found in most dictionaries, using this model (that isn't actually found in the UI, btw) is in fact, cheating.


Let's look at a couple found on dictionary.com:


1. To deceive by trickery; swindle

2. To mislead; fool


Both of these would encompass the ability of someone that is not as visible as someone else on the server of a game where being INvisible is the effect of a particular aspect of regular game play (i.e. Mind Trick).


Okay so yes, given the tools available (as in, the console and the model command) one could use any model that the game ALLOWS you to use on a cheat protected server.


That doesn't make the intentions of the individual using this model any less of a "cheater" who is specifically attempting to decieve, swindle, or fool other players on the server to not see all of their bounding box.


I've already given this information out before on other threads talking about this model, but I think it's important to repeat it here on another popular thread that is parroting many of the same posts:


All you have to do when someone uses this model, is simply bring down the console (hit Shift+`) and type in "/cg_forcemodels 1" and hit enter.


If I remember correctly, you won't even need to do a vid_restart... you can just hold down your +showscores key for a couple of seconds and everyone's model will be changed to the one that YOU are using. If this is wrong, simply bring down the console again, type in "vid_restart" and hit enter and then wait a few seconds.


And as always, you will also recieve a bit of a frames per second bonus since you don't have a bunch of models and skins loaded into ram.



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