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Random thing I noticed


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First of all, I have to say I love this game. The AI is very good compared to other games I've seen. I like how the stormies tend to scatter if you kill the commanding officer, and they sometimes make a temporary retreat. But they never really surrender (put their hands over their head) until you take their weapon away.


Now, while it's completely logical at this point (Even if they can pick their weapons back up, which is cool in its own right), if I were a stormie, I'd have done this a long time ago.


Think about it. You're Stormtrooper Bob. Your CO just had his head removed by a spinning blade of death. Your squad mate Joe was lifted into the air and choked, in just the way that that Vader guy killed people. Mike was suddenly propelled into a wall when the guy you're facing just waved his hand, and Tim was fried by lightning. Your buddy Fred just got killed by his own shots, reflected back by the previously mentioned blade of death. You’re all that’s left. What do you do? I’d throw down my gun and give up, since this guy is a hell of a lot worse than any court marshal could be.


I guess what I’m saying is it’d be very cool (and funny) to finally see a Stormtrooper realize he’s outclassed, and surrender. You know, throw down his gun and say something like, “I give, please don’t kill me.” While they may be Stormtroopers, they’re human, and after your entire unit was wiped out in less than a minute, you tend to reevaluate your life’s decisions.




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ROFLMAO!!!!.....how cool that would be indeed!:p;)

"Look, yur obviously a major asskicker! -How about letting me go and i'll forget the whole thing. For Emperors sake, I have 5 kids to feed! Please don't kill me!! Please!!"




"Hey you STOP!

(you turn around w/ yur laser-blade of death)

"Errrr, nevermind. Have a good day now. BYE!"

(stormtrooper runs off in the opposite direction)


Commanding Stormtrooper:"It's him! Blast him!"


Stormtroopers:"Are you freakin' kidding me Sir!? -Thats a Jedi! I quit!"

(remaining stormtroopers throw down they're guns and run in the opposite direction)



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Exactly! Something like,

Stormtrooper 1 "There he is, get him!"

ST 2: "What's that glowing stick he's-" *trails off*

ST 1: "Right, nevermind, that's NOT him! Men, there's a huge problem in the oppisite direction! Let's go there!"


I want realism in the models I'm trying to kill!

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