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stuck on bespin level -----> can't ride the air current


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Sorry if this has already been answered but for some reason the "search" function in this forum is disabled.

Anyway, I'm at the Bespin level where you have to ride the "air current" up to another level. How exactly is that done. I just fall to my death. Help!

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It's probably one of three things. 1. You're jumping through the current. 2. You're jumping too late. 3. You're not getting into the current. My best suggestion is to try running and Force Jumping just as the current starts up. One other thing: face the platform that's just above you. If you're trying to get onto the last platform, it may be that you're hitting your head on the vanes. I hope this helps some.

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I got stuck at this bit for ages!! !! ....there is a trick to it...


You have to stand in front off the current. Force jump up and onto the top of the current, then it will take you up to the next platform. You have to position yourself right on top of the current for it to work...


hope this helps!! :)



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It's alot easier than that. All you have to do is step into the current. You will fall a little bit then it takes you up. Stand right on the edge where you see the air rising, then step off as soon as it starts. Just don't move any after you are in it. I tried jumping into it and allways jumped passed it to my screaming death.

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