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Boba Fett Model


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sithlord and i are working together to try and decipher the gloss shader. we need to figure out a way to isolate it, so it only affects certain areas. right now we can only get it working for the entire skin, cloth and all =P


thanks for the suggestions cheshire. now that ive seen the skin in-game, im planning to reduce the highlighting i did with PS and probably use a more realistic metal texture, combined with the gloss shader. we're trying to get it working as i type this.




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I have one comment on Jango Fett, now, I don't know if you already mentioned this or if you are planning to fix it, or hell, if its supposed to be like that, but I was wondering, why is the center of his jumpsuit and his hands a greenish color while his arms are blue? I thought it was all baby blue? Overall I believe the model is excellent and will be a tremendous addition to the game, but I think if that doesn't get fixed, the skin will unfortunately not be very accurate...


Other than that keep up the excellent workguys!

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Absath, BloodRiot, and SithLord II,


Excellent models you all are putting forth. I once said on the Vader forum that the reflection/specular highlighting is what is going to make the model really seem realistic. We all seem to be in agreement here! :)


Just a couple thoughts. I have the Hasbro action figure of Jango Fett, as well as the DK book with nice pictures of him. I wanted these pictures as references for my own Star Wars art. Anyway, I noticed that Jango's armor overall leans more toward the shades of blue-gray, with maybe a 5% red thrown in there. As for the shines (specular highlights), I would advise the use of really sharp, spot highlights on the dome helmet to show high gloss and "newness." (It would be neat to have these "white spots" move accross the Helmet as you ran around on the level.)


As I mentioned to SithLord, check out the helmets of baseball players during a night game. You'll see how the stadium lights curve around the bends in the helmet. Much of the lighting in the Star Wars universe comes from paneled arrays, so stadium lighting on the helmet would make the model realistically usable in multiple environments.


One thing that I noticed about JKII is that there are no reflective surfaces in the game. I never saw my reflection in the floor or on walls, or in glass. Is reflection really supported? Good examples of where reflection was used well are in the Dreamcast game "Jedi Power Battles" when you walk through sections of the Theed palace, and in "Deus Ex" when you are in the large lobby of the Majestic Twelve facility.


Keep up the good work!

And hey, can you at least give him two Tenloss disruptor rifles? The duel weapons really makes the character.



(Just found out that the "antenna" on the heads of the Fetts is really a targeting device that swings down in front of the visor.)

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Man, I would love to have a battle with Jango Fett.

Perhaps I can do some model-switching and modify the npcs.cfg file to make one.

Too bad there aren't any enemies that are remotely like Jango.


Anyway the model looks great.

Can we expect a release before the weekend?

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Originally posted by PiousAugustus99

I have one comment on Jango Fett, now, I don't know if you already mentioned this or if you are planning to fix it, or hell, if its supposed to be like that, but I was wondering, why is the center of his jumpsuit and his hands a greenish color while his arms are blue? I thought it was all baby blue?


hmm this is true. aren't they supposed to be blue, along with the suit. not sure though but that is a good point that might want to be looked into.

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anyone who thinks that jango's getup is all blue, needs to put on some glasses and actually look at the character :p Ill post one of the press-release pics for your viewing education.




As you can see, his gloves are a dark green, and his chest plating is attached to a green under-vest. so therefore, pious, there is no danger of the model being "unfortunatly inacurate"


Anyway, ive finally got the gloss shader working, but unfortunatly it ignores the alpha channel selection and glosses over the whole skin, armor AND cloths. so as it is right now, its all shiny, or no shiny. i'll keep working at it, to see if i can figure out where the problem is.


dajo, since you obviously have no idea how lighting or shaders work in jk2, nor any idea that sithlord and i have been attempting to get a believable gloss on the armor for the past few days, ill politely ignore your post, and not snap in frustration.


if anyone knows shaders like the back of their hand, and would like to take a look at the one ive made to see if im missing some sort of "shut off" command for the parts i dont want glossed, please drop me a line at Absath@ignmail.com





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Absath, would there be anychance in you posting the picture of the glossed up version (i know its all uhhhh, under-done) but i'd really like to see it.


anyway, the models great!

keep it up.


oh and dont listen to anyone about the feet! i think they look fine.

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Ill get some new pics up later this evening, or when i decipher my shader troubles, whichever come first. And it also all hinges around whether or not i can tear myself away from Morrowind long enough :p


*begins to suffer Elder Scrolls withdrawals*


err....gotta run....





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absath and bloodriot, whichever is modeling the slave 1 :D

i jsut got through reading Boba Fett: enemy of the empire and during 'salvage' u get to see part of slave 1 insides, it contains cells bathed in orange light towards trhe bottom of his ship, just thought u might like 2 know :)

pm me if u want me to scan some pics

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Well, The Jango model is practically done. I dunno what more can be done to him. Now all that's left to do is making a copy of the file and make the necessary changes so it becomes Boba.


The animation has a few minor bugs that will only be fixed if their too visible in game. That will be determined in the beta tests.


Those bugs are nothing more that a lil clipping in the arms(only with the saber... other weapons dont cause this as far as I noticed.)


I've tried changing the skeleton assigning but that changed little. The effect was the same and the some tests that corrected it caused other errors in turn which were by far more visible, like huge deformities in the shoulders and shoulder pads, like the shoulderpads streching far too much.

I'll go by the law of the lesser error prefered. If in the meantime and on future models I learn more on this and know how to correct it, I'll post a revised version.


I'll try to set up a beta test by tonight, and if the model passes the tests it will be posted for download very soon.

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Well, it doesnt look like the shader thing is going to work out. I've spent the last 4 hours trying every combination i can think of, and I either end up with all gloss, or no gloss. I even came across some wierd transparency effects. I'm going to take a break, and if by later this evening no one who knows shaders well has stepped forward to assist, then I will proceed with a shaderless skin on the models.


I'm going to email Raven...maybe they can shed some light on the subject.




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I have also tried to use shaders for only adding a shiny effect to a certain part of a texture, but unfortunately it's not coming to me either. I've tried every trick I know. Maybe you should look through the games original shaders, see if it's got an effect like that from which you could nick the code. I'll see if I can help.

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ive already searched through the games shaders. i use q3ase for my shaders, cause shadered2 is b0rked. half of the shaders come up with errors, and the other half are useless. ive talked with blood, and i think we're just gonna dump the whole shader thing.






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the glossy visor thing is subtle anyways, it wont be that missed. as for the metal parts, u can just make the skin a little more detailed. maybe just add a little wear and tear to them, make em look a little worn in. from what ive seen, the metal on jango isnt really "glossy" its just not as worn as boba's is.

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Have you tried checking the stormtrooper and tie pilot shaders, I noticed that they have gloss with flat shaders in thier skins. Gloss armor, flat body glove for the stormtroopers, and gloss helmet and gloves, flat jumpsuit for the tie pilot.


Dunno if that may help find something. :D

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i get an error when i try and view the stormtrooper shader setup, so i cant really check in to see how they did it. we've decided to forego shaders for now, and im just going to see what can accomplish with skins. since bloodriot has called off new animations as well, theres always the chance that in the future, if we decide to do new anims, then we'll take another crack at the shader issue.


but our view now is that this model has been too long in coming, and we dont see the reason in holding it up for something as trivial as shaders. i mean....they would only be on jango anyway....i wouldnt gloss boba's armor. and you stare at their back the whole time anyway.


the skins are complete. now i just have to go through each of them and do detailing. minor stuff mostly, and i'll probably spend the rest of the night doing that. later on ill post some new in-game shots. jango, the two other warriors, and the world premiere of boba in-game. im hoping ill have the boba model to show off, and bloodriot is hard at work on it right now. so stay tuned.


on a lighter note, im suggesting a contest of sorts. because i dont want to call the other two mandalorians just "gold" and "crimson" im opening up the naming to the community that is going to be playing them. so post your name ideas on this thread, and me and bloodriot will choose the ones we like the best. the prize, is obviously that everyone will be downloading and playing as a mandalorian with a name you chose. you'll also get credit for the name in the readme file. so throw us your names.



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Hey absath, just wanted to let ya know, I meant no offense with the blue/green jumpsuit thing, its just that all the pictures i saw showed it as blue but I saw the referenece picture and its' great so sorry about that...


Anyways, as for the naming contest...


Brok D'alavaga

Tal Setta

Durn Song


And my personal favorite that would go great with the gold skin, "The Redeemer"

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I can understand from my years of programming Director games, Authorware presentations, and web applications that trying for long periods of time to tackle something that just isn't going right can be very frustrating. In that respect, Absath, I choose to politely classify your dismissal of my previous post as a product of your frustration.


You are right, however, that I don't know how the shading, highlighting, modeling, rendering, or programming aspects of JKII work, so... what I tend to post are ideas of what would look real and cool in the game. If you have a way of creating such realistic effects through programming or whatever, then, awesome. But if not, that's fine too! One thing I do understand is textures and lighting from an artistic point of view. If I had the time I would be jumping up and down offering to skin models that folks build because model texturing is one of the things I do. And just as a side note, I think it may be possible for you to achieve the gloss look you want by simply painting it into the skin itself. Raven sure got away with it!


One other thing... Jango does have a hint of green in the shirt beneath the chest armor and in the gloves. Yes it is definitely green, everyone...but more greyish. Good eye, Absath.

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