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Boba Fett Model


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Originally posted by gonk-raider

NO always a plasure wouldnt work.. jango didnt have his mask on.. hence what you just said was a prime example of retard logic


Well, I don't know about you, but I would rather have something Jango actually said without his helmet on than something that isn't actually Jango but sounds like it's from a helmet. I'm sure if someone really wanted to, the audio could have been tweaked to sound like it was from his helmet. Besides, I very much doubt that Jango will have any other good lines with his helmet on, from the looks of it.

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i hope this is not too late, but i slept very long today.

okay, i have a suggestion for the blue skin:

make the armor a dark blue, the under-shirt (or whatever you call it) a lighter grey, and the additional color on the helmet should be orange, that'd look good.

as for the name: how about Jirek Boos, or Tyro Qoulen.

and i also like Jodo Kast (as a name, haven't seen the character in any story).


and i must say, your model and textures are really amazing,

and i'm glad and want to tank you for all your efforts you to get these models done so well!

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does anyone actually have any rips of these sounds? if you do, send a link or the sound to Absath@ignmail.com. it doesnt matter if he says it with his helmet off, i can pass it through an intercom filter in cooledit and make it sound like hes saying it through is helmet.


Evan, how many people with the last name smith are there in the world? and our world is rather large, but the SW galaxy is enormous. you dont think its possible for people to have the same name?


Gonk-Raider, if there was some way that i could insure that you would be barred from downloading that package when its released, i would leap at the chance. you're a joke on these boards, and probably in real life too.


for the rest of you, ill put some pictures up later on tonite, after i get home from work.



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dont move wouldnt be to bad. There is a program out there that lets you record audio from movies, games, whatever. It just records whatever sound is playing when you are recording. unfortunatly I have no clue what the thing is called.:( It is free though I believe.

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ok well, i have been reading this thread since the early days of production. First post though. Anyways like everyone else has said great job on the models and skins. Your devotion is very much appreciated here :) As for a name for the blue warrior:

Dral Malous

Kujon Tral'ju

L'vet Strona


ok theres my .02 Have fun :)

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hey everyone. i just got home from work. gonna take a short breather then start some more work on finishing up the warriors.


someone sent me a rip of the "always a pleasure to meet a jedi" clip, which im going to edit so its just "always a pleasure" so ill be using that most likely. a friend is downloading early copy of EP2 right now, so unless something better comes out of that, jango's taunt is already set.


also dont forget to thank bloodriot too =P he does half the work. this isnt just my project. i wouldnt have anything to skin if it wasnt for him. most of your credit should head his way. he made the awesome model and converted it. i just doodled all over them ;)


check back later for some updates.




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.. I'll be sure to take all of your Great comments to heart... consider me scrouge and its christmas day.. YOU THERE BOY TAKE 10 pence and buy the biggest turkey in london I have a mr crachet to vist!.



p.s sorry abotu the retard logic..jango does sound the same with his helm on: ) i have the movie :DDDDDD:D :bdroid1::D :D

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Great job, guys! I'm glad you're going with "Always a pleasure," as opposed to something else--unless you get something better, of course.


P.S. It's all good, gonk-raider; I didn't take it personally, just as long as you don't do it again. ;):D

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