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Boba Fett Model


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I've been following this post too now from the start and I must say it looks REAL REAL coool

When can we download? :D



if I can't download it soon I will :explode:


I got a name too :)

1. Nevyn Wryce

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Originally posted by [sico]

just realease them!!@!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@! who cares about names name them john smith, barry smith etc.


Umm, I doubt people would like to run around as a Mandalorian on a death star with the name "John Smith". I don't think they are keeping the models from being released just because they don't have names for them...


My name suggestions:


Tricho Dy'le


Tetsal Yaga


Nova Loopi

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Hmm I was fooling around with that stoorm trooper with the thing on the shoulder skin in mp a while ago, and noticed it looks like the storm troopers have just the slightest of shin on them. That would be the perfect shader for boba.:) (If they dont actauly have a shader it looks like it.:D ) Kinda odd storm troopers should be fairly shiny, but they arent.

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ok..this last page seems to have run a tad rampant, so let me clarify some issues.


1. We are NOT holding off on release just for names. The names actually arent a huge deal, simply because they only show in the character select screen. Ultimatly, whatever your player name is, is what you're known as in MP. I just asked for named because I thought it would add a nice little extra touch to the models.


2. Now I'll tell you what we ARE waiting on. Bloodriot is a perfectionist to a point. So am I actually. Blood still has a couple of tweaks that he wants to do to the arms, to get them clipping as little as possible in saber stances. He also has to add Boba's Shawl and Wookie Braid (which won't take long) and then i have to skin those pieces. Im finishing up the skins that are done, adding taunts, sounds, bot support and all the bells and whistles. We are getting close.


3. The "Mystery" mandalorians are not whole new models. They are rather the one model, with certain surfaces turned off. For instance, the gold one carries one holster on his right leg. The blue one will have a shawl like Boba's. etc etc. So they all look the same, but slightly different.


Sithlord has just released his Darth Vader model, and it absolutly kicks ass. Go download it and play while you wait for me and Bloodriot to finish up the Mandalorians =)



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considering using any of the names posted yet i posted some good ones on the last pages :) and yea get some more pics up soon i wanna see boba fett!! :p very nice job on everythig else and i dled the vader skin right after i found it lol it does kick ass but not as much as your guys Bounty Hunter ones :rofl:

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Why does everyone keep buggin these guys to " hurry up" ???


These guys are nice enough to make posts and updates and tell progress, im sure they dont need to be told how to do their work..


anyways .. thats my rant about people who have nothing to say but " GIMME ! "


enthusiasm = good


bugging and baggering = bad





sorry.....someone had to say it!

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yeah i know i promised pictures and didnt deliver =( im sorry guys. but until bloodriot finishes tweaking the model and sends me the update, there's really not a whole lot i can post that you havent already seen =/


on a similar note, im still looking for a decent free image hosting site, case lycos has gone banannas. someone mentioned boomspeed, but i went there and they didnt really seem to have it together. ill continue to use lycos, but if someone can point me in the direction of a new service, id be grateful.


ill get you some new pics as soon as i can




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