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Boba Fett Model


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A guy in a stupid suit with a blaster...


Or a guy whos gone through years of fight training, carries a lightsaber which can cut anything, and deflect bullets, and who is 1 of the most powerful Jedis..


Who would win? hmm...


I'm guessing if Boba kills Macey, it's by shooting him in the back while hes talking to someone, or shooting him while he's on the jon, or maybe even throwing him in a hole *SPOILER AHEAD, SPOILER AHEAD!* just like Jango did to Obi-Wan.

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Episode III is only 3 years later? That's cool. All the same actors :)


Yeah I can see a 12 year old Boba taking on Mace Windu... Now the big question: How do all the other Jedi's die!?


I mean in Episode II there were atleast 20, in Episode 4 there are only 3 left? Yoda, Vader, and Obi-Wan.

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I don't mean to be a party pooper...but if you're going to talk about episode 2...don't do it on this forum


1) A lot of these people havn't seen the movie yet

2) We're here for the Models, not to hear you people talk about a movie we already saw, or are going to see

3) If I were Blood and Absath I wouldn't take this crap so I wouldn't be surprised if a new thread was already started

4) I'm tired of people spamming on this thread...it would probably be half the length if people didn't talk about completely unrelated topics


Now then. If the creators of the model are in...I was wondering how wavy the cape would be...or of you were going to connect it to the skeleton somehow (much like SithLord_II did for vader)

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We all know that you can take off certain parts of models (i.e. jan's vest, etc.) Now what i'm wondering is, will we be able to take off the jetpack on this model? I just don't like that big old jetpack on my back if it doesn't work :p If it can't come off, that's fine too, just keep up the good work.

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Boba could be better or worse in a fight than Janga either is equally probable as skill isn't genetic. Hell! noone even knows if Boba can fight all he did was shoot a couple of times and fallinto the sarlac pit.


I like the idea of boba getting mace

Boba would not have to take mace face to face just trap him. Boba becomes a bounty hunter, bounty hunters do not engage people head to head they trap them, manipulate them and basically wait till there down kick em a few times and then take em prisoner to collect the bounty. Fighting would be a secondary skill for a bounty hunter. Mace maybe an awsome warrior but he could be trapped or nutralised without engaging him in direct combat.


Vader or the Emperor (if you hadn't guessed who he is in ep 1&2 thats kinda sad <read about how hitler came to power and you might get an inkling>) might hand an unarmed and defencless Mace to Boba as a bit of a "ummm I'm sorry ya dad died kid but mayb this will make you feel better" type present :p

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Boba could be better or worse in a fight than Janga either is equally probable as skill isn't genetic. Hell! noone even knows if Boba can fight all he did was shoot a couple of times and fallinto the sarlac pit.


I like the idea of boba getting mace

Boba would not have to take mace face to face just trap him. Boba becomes a bounty hunter, bounty hunters do not engage people head to head they trap them, manipulate them and basically wait till there down kick em a few times and then take em prisoner to collect the bounty. Fighting would be a secondary skill for a bounty hunter. Mace maybe an awsome warrior but he could be trapped or nutralised without engaging him in direct combat.


Vader or the Emperor (if you hadn't guessed who he is in ep 1&2 thats kinda sad <read about how hitler came to power and you might get an inkling>) might hand an unarmed and defencless Mace to Boba as a bit of a "ummm I'm sorry ya dad died kid but mayb this will make you feel better" type present :p

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i cant wait for these models, the pics on the main page look awesome, much better than i expected :D












Originally posted by JediGhost[sITH]


I agree with you, Messiah.. :)


Secondly, all the yoda skins aren't crap. I've only seen 1, and that was Kinja's, which was very impressive.


I have yet to see any "crap" be made by anyone on these forums..


And stop suggesting mini-skins! Yodas and Jawas would all be just as tall as any other skin, so it would ruin the whole purpose.




The Fett's aren't badass... If they are so "badass" why did Jango get his head sliced off by Windu?





Why did he run backwards away from Windu? You'd think that Mr. Badass would run in and beat the **** out of him. Windu is more of a badass than any Fett.


i know we shudnt be talking bout ep 2 but,




















i think its cos his jetpack was damaged from reek, and with one blaster he knew he cudnt defeat a jedi master after learning from his encounter with obi wan

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"The Fett's aren't badass... If they are so "badass" why did Jango get his head sliced off by Windu? "


That's cause he went toe-to-toe with Samuel L. Jackson. None are more badass then Sam Jackson.


D'akt Sangwar, they probably arn't talking here because this thread has gonae straight to hell. Don't get your hopes up.

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Waiting patiently for these models.. well ok not patiently since I'm checking websites 3x a day to see if they have been released...




Episode 2-3 SPOILERS













Ok, Episode 3 is 2-3 Years AFTER Episode 2. There is no way a KID is going to kill off Mace Windu. So Stop with this Boba gonna kill Windu crap. Jackson in an interview said 'I know my character has to die, I told Lucas just don't let me die like a punk'. I'm sorry but dying by a Kid would be kinda dumb, no matter if that kid is Boba or not.


Personally if your a fett fan I would be happy with what you got in Episode 2 and live with it, we found out alot bout Boba I doubt Lucas will go into more on him. There is a bigger picture for Episode 3 than Boba getting revenge on Mace. The Major star wars fans know a good part of the plot, hell alot of people should know it if you ever watched the original trilogy. So I'm saying stop with these 'Boba gonna kill Mace' posts, it's not gonna happen. Boba is a kid. Sure he's a hard core wants everybody to die kid. But he's still a kid. And on the topic of Jackson's interview I highly doubt Lucas would kill off a character like Mace Windu in the manner of Boba getting a cheap shot since he's a kid.


Anywyas thats just my 2cents, No I'm not an obsessed Mace Windu fan, I think he's alright just getting tired of posts stiring up the thought that the character will get killed off by Boba who will be what 12 when Episode 3 takes place... heh

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Bloodriot and I have decided to discontinue work on the Fett models, in favor of playing Morrowind all day. Sorry to get your hopes up.































Hehehe ;) Actually, I have some very good news. Its what you've all been waiting for. Later tonite, or tommorow at some point, the Mandalorian Package will be released to the general public. I spent a good hour last night stuffing the 11MB .pk3 file through my god-forsaken, puny, dial-up bandwidth allowance in order to get it to Bloodriot. He's going to add the model with the LOD's, add his notes in the readme file, then we'll test for a short while and release it.


Now that you are drooling significantly and shaking in your seats, I'll go into detail about the particulars of this project.


First of all, the package contains six warriors. Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Khyron Jinn (Crimson/Black), Dun Setta (Gold/Light Gray), Thrindel Sev (Blue/Dark Gray), and Goran Skarr (Black/Red). All of these characters will be selectable in MP under the default category. For CTF versions, we used Thrindel (Blue) and Khyron (Red), rather than make blue and red versions for each char (which would have made the file size approximatly 30MB :eek: )


Boba and Jango have their respective jetpacks. The other 4 warriors, be default do not. Khyron and Thrindel are wearing red and blue jetpacks respectively in their CTF versions. This was done so there would be more variety in the characters people would be able to choose. If someone decides they want to use Thrindel with his blue jetpack in FFA or Duel, they simply have to choose the blue-team version of him.


Each warrior will come with unique (for the most part) sounds and taunts. The grunts, pain and death screams are mixed and matched sound clips of Stormtroopers, Shadowtroopers and Swamp troopers. Jango's taunt is "Always a pleasure", which was cut from "Always a pleasure to meet a jedi" from Episode 2. Boba's taunt is "I take it you have no love for the empire" from the star wars christmas special. The other four warriors use custom taunts recorded by myself, and digitally altered.


Each warrior also has unique botfiles, with destinct personalities. Jango and Boba are themselves, and the other warriors each play distinctive roles. Thrindel is a sniper and a camper, Goran likes to blow things up, Khyron is an assassin type, Dun is a cocky leadership type. All in all, they should offer some very different battles when used as bots. Also, they are very difficult. They will not be easy to fight. As Boba and Jango (that we know of) dont use lightsabers, neither should their bots. But their gun skills have been improved to balance it out.


The map. Yes, I am creating a map that will feature Slave I. It will not be done in time for release, and neither Bloodriot nor myself can justify stalling the release for the sake of the map (even as cool as its turning out :D ) but rest assured that I will be releasing this map the general public at the earliest possible time. My plans as of current are to make two versions of the map. a Duel version and a FFA version. It is currently too large to show pics that will do it justice, so ill try and explain it. The map is a giant shipyard station, floating among the clouds a la Bespin, where ships are built, dock for maintenance, or refuel/supply. There are currently three landing platforms in view, each connected to the main building by a long walkway. On the middle platform is Slave I, where the duel map will be centered to. Players will be able to enter Slave I, run all over the landing pad (even crawling among the pipes and rafters underneath, should you need to run away from certain death). The door to the main building will be locked, and you will not be able to reach the other two platforms. The FFA version will include the whole map. you will be able to move about all three platforms, go inside the building, etc. As it is a shipyard, you will see many other ships, on the landing pads, and also suspended in "dry dock" along the side of the building. The smaller class ships (x-wings, n-1 fighters) are docked and maintained right on the high outer walls of the station. The frigate and cruiser class starships are docked in the air nearby, and are reached by small skiffs (which will move about the level, allowing players to ride them to various places). Alltogether, this map allows for many different play styles, including some really great sniper positions, so interesting traps, and some great places to hold a saber duel. The feedback from the people who have tested the alpha version of the map has been very positive, so it's definetly headed in the right direction. Once I get it to a point where i can post some quality pictures, I will do so in this thread.


On a related note, if anyone has some .md3's of starships of any sort, and you'd like to help me out by letting me use it in my map, I'd be very grateful. I would like there to be as much of a variety of ships on the level as possible, and proper credit would be given. Currently i have the Slave I that i built from brushes, a large frigate class starship, X-wings, Tyderium class shuttles, Naboo n-1 fighters and some skiffs that i made to look like ships-in-progress ;) . Any help can be sent to Absath@ignmail.com


Also, for those new readers wondering if we're doing jetpack animations, jango's pistols, or a grappling mod.....no. We are not. jetpack and dual pistol animations are not possible without working knowledge of softimage. a grappling mod requires programming, something I hate with a passion.


Once the MP package is released, I am going to experiment with getting Jango/Boba in-game as both spawnable NPC's and as the player character. Currently the only method i know of to make them NPC's is to replace a current character, like Sithlord replaced Desann with Vader. I would prefer not to have to overwrite any characters if it can be avoided, so I'm going to try and figure out a way to just add a new NPC. If it comes down to it, I may just replace the rodians or something. We'll see what happens.


Bloodriot has decided on a custom character for our next work (which we will be doing alongside Darth Maul) and it is going to be a jedi. That is as much information as i can release at this time ;) If there are any other questions or comments, they can be posted here. Bloodriot and I check this thread daily.




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Great work Absath and Bloodriot, I can't wait for these to be released... after Maul, and your custom Jedi, do you think it would be possible to make Count Dooku? I really want to see a model of him with the quality you guys have to offer... thanks for your time.

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Originally posted by Absath


Later tonite, or tommorow at some point.[/b]


Sorry to push anything here.. but if you were to release it tonight, release it early.. otherwise Europeans don't get a good chance of it when all of the Americans get home. They'll be asleeeep.. if not, release it tommorow.


Hmm, i'm guessing people will go on to make MANY more Mandalorian skins now.

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Originally posted by Nookie


Sorry to push anything here.. but if you were to release it tonight, release it early.. otherwise Europeans don't get a good chance of it when all of the Americans get home. They'll be asleeeep.. if not, release it tommorow.


Hmm, i'm guessing people will go on to make MANY more Mandalorian skins now.


Who cares? I live in Europe and I want it released late tonight so I can wake up and download it early in the morning!


OR... I could just stay here and wait till they are released all night



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