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Black or White Saber Blade

II Exar Kun II

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ok all night i spent makin a black saber blade and what i did was convert the assests0 pack to zip and then i unpacked it and went to gfx/effects/sabers (i think thats what it was) and i took the purple jpgs and edited it to be black w\ photoshop and replaced the purple jpgs in the assests pack w\ mine (same name and all) then i re zipped it and converted it bak to pk3. (which is where i think the problem went wrong.) unless theres some special way to convert that i dont know bout. or if im doin it wrong tell me. or if theres a place where i can just go ahead a download a black or white saber thad make things that much easier lol.




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I tried for about 5 hours to make a black saber.


What JO sabers do, is they make dark colors look lighter.


This is especially so in the case of black. You can change the RGB to something other than 0 0 0, but super dark colors are still transparent.

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Hmmm, perhaps a really dark purple?

Sabers are made to be bright, I dont think yo ucan do anything else.


As for white... that takes about 3 minutes, just go extract, convert to grey scale in PS or whatever, and stuff in a new PK3 file.

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