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The MP AT-ST Mod idea...


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I don't know if this has been talked about before, but since you can drive the AT-ST walker in the SP game would it be possible to make an MP map where there is one walker (or maybe 2 in the ctf maps) where you could jump in and pilot it through the level? I am thinking this would be excedingly cool.

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Uhmm.... I found it slightly irritating that the model got in the way of seeing what you were shooting at... but at least the crosshair turns red.


Would you need a mod to drive the AT-ST in multi or is it just an entity in the game that could be utilized in a multiplayer map? It would be really sweet to have a two fortress CTF map and each side would have their own AT-ST that could be driven out onto the field. Think it would be sweet.

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Ooooooooh. That sounds cool and by cool I mean totally sweet! I hadn't thought about that. I was just thinking that each team would get their own AT-ST to drive around... but stealing the other teams would be better.

HOWEVER, there would have to be some way that the enemy pilot could be dislodged and the AT-ST returned, yes?

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yeah big momma rocket loucher, how else?:D just frag his ass!


also remember that atst's can frag EACH OTHER. more reasons to get it asap.


maybe mounted guns also? the posabletys are endless:D :D :D


edit: perhaps have the windows on the thing be open and you can snipe the driver......


this just screams MODMODMOD to me how about you?

just might make me learn C+ :D :D :D


edit:edit: how about a two seater? driver and gunner? snipe driver, it cant move but it still has teath.... or viseversa



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I personally really like the idea, would be kind of hard to implement (lack of tools) and maintain (might be a little laggy) however but I'm sure it can be optmized for MP.


But why stop there, why not bring in X-Wings...manned ION Cannons, Tie Fighters? Sure, you might have to limit usage to one of each per team, or something along those lines, but isnt that the whole point to MP gaming? To be immersed in the game?


Give me some feedback, and remember; I'm not a programmer; so if these ideas are IMMMMMPOSSIBLE, dont flame. :)



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Welll I was only thinking AT-ST because it was already in the SP game and seemed to function pretty well.


SPY, a rocket would kill the walker not just the guy inside. Would the walker then reappear in its base?


I thought maybe walkers would stay where they are when the guy inside gets taken out. They aren't that fast or maneuverable.

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I wish I could blend those two things together. I always have an great idea... then no skills to act on it. If anyone gets the notion... they should go ahead and make this into a mod once the SDK is released... Capture the AT-ST.


Opposing bases... two AT-STs and a whole lot of fun.

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No one can really do this until the SDK is released.


The first thing I noticed about the AT-ST when I piloted it was the horrid aiming; it's virtually impossible to hit a person-sized target. This would be a cool game type, though there would have to be some pretty heavy weaponry scattered around to make sure it's killable.

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Well obviously that would be up to the map designer... but of course there could be gun turrets on the bases and perhaps at key points along the map.


Think it would be great if the weapons got limited so that control of the turrets played a part... making it harder to kill the AT-STs without them.


Perhaps there could be a wall in each base that could be breached only by an attacking AT-ST... allowing troops to then flood in through the gaping hole.


I don't know... there are all sorts of ideas that would work really well with this.


Now if the SDK would just be released.

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this is EXACTLY the kind of origional thinking we need to build a MASSIVE online mp community!


capture the ATST.. i love it! just fix it so you can fire with 1st player as well as 3rd.


actually, the idea of a pilot and a gunner is good. just one person can pilot it, but for it to shoot back, you need a second person in the cockpit. since its so big, that would be a cool handicap. i mean, you can always just STOMP on people:)


i think blowing it up is a good way to make the person "drop the atst", but it should stay where it is for 60 seconds before respawning. and missles shouldnt destroy it, just kill the driver.


also.. i would not have big guns built into the levels. instead, have an engineer type class that can build one on the spot. if guns were built in, people would just camp on them till the atst came around the bend:)


(hehe.. thats cool just to think aobut though).


or not.. maybe there is a set ammo for the built in big guns on the map, and they only recharge after a long period of time.


just throwing out ideas...

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how about this: have it be so that lets say a 12 person game 6 per team. ok hears the idea; have more paths then members, like 12 ways to get back to your base, so you cant cover them all.


this would add in the need for a scout class also.


why dont we name the classes such a mod could use.


lets see,

scout class

driver class

gunner class

eniginer class (what would it do?)


anyothers? medic maybe?

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better still!!


base the turrents on capturing enemy flag points in TFC. each team caps a turrent and holds it... clearing the path for the ATST so to speak. a person caps a turrett for his team, and gets to hold it with no threats for like 10 seconds.. like in tfc. then, the enemy team can kill him and control it.


so, basically, you can fight over who controls the turrents, while the ATST is being driven toward your base. if you capture a turrent, you can take shots at the ATST when it comes by. a team must cap all 5 turrents to open the door to the ATST. but once it is open, any teeam can control any turrent. if the atst pilot is killed... it stays in place for 60 seconds and respawns.


however! only the ATST can take out a turrent in the 10 second grace period that the enemy team has when it takes a turrent. thats fair.. i mean.. it should be able to defend itself, but only if it has a gunner!




if only i could MAKE IT!!! sigh.....

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The pilot-gunner thing got me thinking about other vehicles just to battle on.

Speeder Bikes: One Pilot Driving guy behind him or standing on bike with an array of saber attacks battling a guy on another one or guys on the ground... imagine bike to bike saber locks... oh baby

Speeders: One Driver, One gunner shooting from the back

Pod-Racers: 5 or 6 pod racers on a starting line you jump in with a guy with you to fight and some built in weapons like Sebulbas flamer. If you had the respawn points at strategic points you could drop on top of the racers as they passed. I envisage points for winning the race and for frags.

I have no idea if any of this is possible and it would probably take a lot of work that I have no idea how to even start.

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Speeder Bikes: One Pilot Driving guy behind him or standing on bike with an array of saber attacks battling a guy on another one or guys on the ground... imagine bike to bike saber locks... oh baby


I imagined this too... Im not sure about the level for speederbikes or pod racers... but if there were to be some sort of racing mod... I would like to see it play like "Team Survivor" where if you get eliminated you have to spectate until the next race starts.


I was also thinking that it would be cool to be able to have a teamplay map where you could take remote control of an ... erh... one of these...:atpt:... AT-PT... thats it.

Or maybe remote control a droid with which you could use it to access certain rooms once inside a base... your team members would have to watch over you while you guide the droid to the locking mechanism... would be cool I think.

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Too bad this isn't the Half-Life community, they have made stuff of this extent...


But I don't see what's hard about making a mod with ATST Capture the Flag...sounds awesome...you probably have to give up on the Pods and 2 Man ATST ideas, though. :) Trimmed down, it's a cool thing to think about...

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Sweet mod idea!!! Wish the SDK was out so someone would make it! Maybe you could even have different vehicles, like speeder bikes or tanks with pilots and gunners or things similar to the STAPs of TPM or jetpack troopers etc, this mod could be WAY cool if somebody made it, maybe even have AT-AA's too, what if there was a game mode wheere the entire team drove/gunned one AT-AT vs the other team's AT-AT? I dunno I'm just rambling :)

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