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The MP AT-ST Mod idea...


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Hmm, even more ideas...


Brandon, sounds like you want a SW renegade mod... the idea has merit but would involve heavy recoding of either C&C or JO.


As for the AT-AT idea.. I do like it, but I still think the scale is too small to actually be able to move around inside it... (Not to mention the coding hassles (and Lag) of having a movable vehicle that someone else is driving, but that you can walk around in)


Ok frizbee, fair points, I guess it's just a pipe dream of mine...




right we could still have an assault on a rebel base with the AT-AT blowing stuff up with chin guns in the background and advancing relentlessly on the rebel base, with wave after wave of jedi/rebels trying to make it to the underside of the AT-AT and fire their rapel lines (replacing the cattleprod thingy) at the underside of the AT-AT and chuck a thermal det. through the destroyable grill on the underside (Jedi will have to force jump it). Sith/stormies will be trying to stop them of course. Better?


Classes: I'd much rather return to the MOTS classes (bounty hunter, scout etc.) with a few Mods (get rid of force defence but add the Ysalmari as a more available pickup, cortosis ore pickup created - that's immunity to sabres, as well as an invunerability field to everything but sabres). That would keep it balanced. Without becoming counterstrike in a galaxy far far away...


AT-ST master, I know what I like and this could be very cool with good level design - I'll get my main man on it soon.


other ideas - AT-ST assault, MOH-style co-op missions (16 players form an elite jedi assault team and take on an Imperial fortress or Sith stronghold),

other random ideas will pop-up as I think of them...

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This sounds like a mod I'd most definitely play.


While reading through the thread, the thought that keeps recurring to me is map scale. Some of the ideas in here seem very grand, and large maps might be needed to alleviate a "cramped" feeling. I'm not sure how JK2 handles large maps, although IIRC it's based on Q3:TA code, so you might get away with it.


Anyway, if I have any ideas, I'll chip in. :)

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go right ahead pvt, i do not mind at all.


i am trying to think of any more ideas to add, only one off the top my head is, in the SOF2 mp test, when you die, thats it for the round. you have to wait for the naxt round before returning. really makes you think before takeing chances.


that and clip reloading for the guns. love this feature(sp?)

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The AT-ST idea has developed into many mod possibilities but here are a few ideas that are kind of similar to stuff said here:

#1 Duel Level on top of an AT-AT at the Battle of Hoth

#2 The limited Jedi idea, but what if the Jedi were immune to anything but Jedi Attack, However the Jedi kills were worth more. think of it masses of Stormies and Rebels fighting whilst 2 Jedi duel through their midst

#3 Endor, Rebels get Speeders, Fast but do little damage, Imperials get AT-STs, Slow lots of damage.


And heres a basix summary of this post so far... tell me if I miss something


:: ATST Jedi Master

:: SW Classes

:: ATAT Hoth Level

:: Turretts?

:: Endor ATSTs

:: CTF with ATSTS


I think thats all of the key points. One other really off topic thing but still mod related. With Classes couldn't you have Capture the Bounty??? 2 Teams Both with a Leader and A Bounty Hunter ewith all the cool Bounty hunter stuff, grappling hook and jet pack etc... Only the Bounty Hunter can get points and only by killing the opposing teams leader. Means you get a Team FFA, and one of you gets to be a lone operater.

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OK people... its been a rough couple of days for me but I have a few hours to burn here at work tonight so I will make the list and send it out withint the next few hours...


Edit: Ok guys I sent it out to the three of you. If you don't get it let me know (hopefully within the next couple of hours).

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Another interesting Map would be a Duel map, where each player had an AT-ST behind a locked door, that could only be unlocked by running to the other side of the map, flicking a switch and then running back.


Or, perhaps two switches, one on each side, each unlocking one of the two doors needed to get a single AT-ST out into the level.


It would make for some interesting Duels, and would spice them up just a tiny bit.

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Damn, Spy... since I did it at work the station I was using probably cleansed itself. Shoot me in the head for not backing the file up before leaving. Well, if either of the other two got it ok maybe they can send it to you. Otherwise I will rewrite the whole damn thing for you, buddy. SOrry about that.



I should have just posted the whole list here as well. Live an learn I guess.

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Warn you, this post just got longer and longer - sorry !


As stated, Im a fan of UT and SW.


I own that very Mod, Neo Cairo, and I think that is a great comparisson. Another mod whether trying out is one much like UT 'Defence Alliance'.


In it, you have a base which the human players must defend for a certain time frame. There are classes - simple ones - medic, mechanic, machine gunner etc. Anyway, the attackers number from 10 to 100, and the defenders get a set amount of time in which to prepare their defenses (mines, machine guns, snipers locating etc) The attackers keep respawning again and again, so the action rarely lets up. (find their site via http://www.planetunreal.com for more details to see what I mean)


Im thinking of it looking very good compared to, say, Hoth... Rebel's defending from the Imperials... And could give the Imps the ever popular AT-STs, and have the Rebels with gun turrets and Ion cannons as there were in the film... Not two sides of human players with bots to boost numbers maybe, but Humans defending versus Bots. Okay, similar to what has been said, but UT players out there should try it (you can only play with humans, bots are not yet implemented for defending), and you will see that it is a subtle but fun difference.


Think another game to really look at for this idea thats developing is... Tribes 2 - the vehicle and (kinda) class based combat is similar to what has been disscused.


Think what is needed now is a summary of the ideas going, and then when the godly SDK/JDK is released - WHAM BAMM THANK YOU MAM!


1) Capture the ATST,

2) Hoth sceanrio, whether humans vs humans, or Defence Alliance style play,

3) And various variants (some of which seem just for the sheer hell of it...)


If this is gonna go ahead, then really, rather than lots of little AT-ST mods simply to prove it can be done,. I think that something as well thought out and crafted as Neo cairo is the best way to go. More work, but FAR better than some quick mod.


I have to say that I like the sound of the Defence Alliance idea now that I have mentioned it (no, not smug git, hear me out...)


You start of with a group of onliners with five minutes to prepare for a immenent Imp assault. Classes of character could be:

Gunner (Turrets/E-Webs~ or AT-ST gunner*)

Pilot (Taun-Taun rider~ Speeder pilot~, Swoop/Scout Bike~* (like Tribes 2 'Wild Cat' Grav Cycle) or AT-ST pilot*)

Trooper (basic ground pounder with blaster rifle and thermal detonaters, who can also ride Taun-Tauns)


Jedi~ or Dark Jedi*


Mechanic (Build E-Webs and repair turrets and vehicles)


* = Imperial

~ = Republic


And attacking side, whether you decide to have the Rebels or Imps attacking, can be split into units, so officers with a unit will be visable rather than faceless Stormies alone.

Prehaps have option to set whether there is A (1) Jedi in the attacking ranks.

Standard trooper gets points, so can choose his arsenal for the game. Stormies have superior armour, but it's bulk means they can only really carry A (1) rifle (blaster or repeater), maybe a pistol also. Imp officers could carry a rifle, pistol and thermal detonators. Rebels could have a more flexable array of weapons - DEMP2, Blastech Pistols, Disrupter Rifle, rocket launcher, taser (get worried when thats all thats left)

Limit to 1/2 Jedi in defending ranks (the idea is to emulate an Imp assault, not necessarily the Clone Wars... oops - there is another sceanario idea...) And Jedi can only carry a ligthsaber. They have to choose powers, not weapons. Imps get Dark side, Rebels the Light side.


Seriously though, if this is gonna be done, I think that the sort of thing I spent FAR too much time thinking about (life kinda slow at the mo here in England - lazy hazy days in the sun...) is the way to go.


Anyway - THE END... (for now...)


PS - Eat Smacky Smores!

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Limit to 1/2 Jedi in defending ranks (the idea is to emulate an Imp assault, not necessarily the Clone Wars


I agree. Jedi should be limited or at least have the server side option to limit them.



Spy, sorry about the **** up. I WILL make you up another list if you need it. I am hoping that Dawg and the other guy got theirs though.... be nice if I didn't completely botch it. :D

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