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Cool Idea - Boba Fett Skin...PLUS, Grappling Hook :D


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OK, tell me if this is possible [of course, with the right tools].


Grappling device, just like in Quake 2....


Boba Fett skin


Combine them together...


I'm sorry if the idea...sucks...it's late, and the idea just came to mind.


What about moding community? Can we see this anytime soon? Imagine the uses, especially for OBJ. based MP games...like CTF and any mods that might come out in the near future.

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Originally posted by Jokis

OK, tell me if this is possible [of course, with the right tools].


Grappling device, just like in Quake 2....


Boba Fett skin


Combine them together...


I'm sorry if the idea...sucks...it's late, and the idea just came to mind.


What about moding community? Can we see this anytime soon? Imagine the uses, especially for OBJ. based MP games...like CTF and any mods that might come out in the near future.


Yes, it is possible, in fact someone released a grappling hook for Q3 shortly after it was released, but, I'm not so sure its a useful idea here, seems like ir would replace using force speed and force jump, and thats a bad idea in my opinion. See the way it is nowe, except some servers, you have to do a trade off, either your the offensive or the defensive player, the offensive player uses, well offensive force skills, and the defensive player uses defensive, some balance the two out, but you add a grappling hook, and why bother with defensive?

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So far the only grappling hook I have EVER liked has been for Quake 2. Every other one I have seen has been more like a grappling beam.


The Q2 hook you could swing around corners ala spiderman style and control the wind/release function. And to balance it out, you could really hurt yourself it you took too far of a swing and hit a wall. Kinda like George of the Jungle except it really sucks.


The Q2 grapple and the Boba Fett mod are NOT stupid ideas. They are something that really needs to be written and modeled..


Last thought. In Q2 the grappling hook was not visible to other players, only the one using it. So it seemed like the person grappling was flying around. I would like to see that changed. Some grappling animations for the models would be cool too...:fett:

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I seem to remember a certain jedi knight mod that involved tons of boba fett skins and a grappling hook. Man, now that was fun :fett2:


(in case you dont know what im talking about, I think it was mandalorian wars :D )

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Originally posted by Ten Tigers

So far the only grappling hook I have EVER liked has been for Quake 2. Every other one I have seen has been more like a grappling beam.


The Q2 hook you could swing around corners ala spiderman style and control the wind/release function. And to balance it out, you could really hurt yourself it you took too far of a swing and hit a wall. Kinda like George of the Jungle except it really sucks.


The Q2 grapple and the Boba Fett mod are NOT stupid ideas. They are something that really needs to be written and modeled..


Last thought. In Q2 the grappling hook was not visible to other players, only the one using it. So it seemed like the person grappling was flying around. I would like to see that changed. Some grappling animations for the models would be cool too...:fett:



Err? Yes it was, I think you just had a screwed up server or something. If you were all running the same version and all had it installed, you could see it, heck it used to be my Q to draw the super shotgun, time a jump and fre when it went whizzing by my head toward my flag. Heck the eraser bots even worked good with it.


I still think it would only be good on no force power servers though.

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Not to knock your idea, but what might work better is a flame effect that would come out of a Fett model/skin with flames that would come out of his jetpack when you Force jumped and a grappling hook that would activate when you use Force pull (like in ROTJ to snare someone and pull them to you). Afterall the Force jump pretty much does the same thing as the grappling hook.

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You're not knocking it at all, I love the jetpack idea. Maybe it can go hand in hand with the grappling hook, maybe jet pack for verticle elevation while the grapling hook if you need to swing horizontally.


Thanks for the constructive criticism, by the way. :) As for the actual Boba Fett model, I dont think he should be too hard to make; so, modelers, go and make him. :p

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Originally posted by Jokis

As for the actual Boba Fett model, I dont think he should be too hard to make; so, modelers, go and make him. :p

From what I understand, the modeling community is waiting for Raven to release some kind of tool kit. Until that bright, and glorious day, all we will get is skins.

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