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what are the tools of the trade?


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first off, hello, i am the jedi_surfer. (aka: adler reese, jedi knight)


my questions and requests are simple. i see all of this beautiful design and creation taking place, and i'd like to get into it. i'm not sure what kinds of programs i would need. i'm very interested in starting with skins. i've seen some amazing things, just looking around, that will make my JO a million times better. but i must say i'd like to know the various programs i'd have to get to do it. please any help would be great.


as for requests...here we go. i read the new jedi order series and was wondering if it would be possible to create some Yuuzhan Vong? if so is it possible to impose a serpent staff over the lightsaber? plus the solo children, and kyp. those are just a few things i was wondering, or requesting.


other questions revolve around different textures. if someone where to create a vader skin, (which i've seen, badass) how would you add a realistic cape? or how would you create a set of robes for the jedi/sith? or could you take a mon mothma skin, chop off the head of a reborn and create an emporer, or hood jedi?


where is YODA? and could you make him smaller than the others?



i know it sounds random, but i'm looking for the parameters of the tech. i hope you guys have alot of patients and help.

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as for the JO questions, i dunno. im a disgruntled elite force user. my SW knowledge is quite limited.


however, the yuuzhan vong, as i understand them, would be difficult to implement because (correct me if im wrong) they are immune to force powers. it would be hard to do that in the game.


solo kids/yoda: you COULD do this, however even tho they would look half the height, theyd still be vulnerable in the regular size of the others. you could swing at the space above their head and it wout hurt them. so, in short, no its not possible.


serpent staff: also not possible (as i understand the staff). its something that would involve major changed and would have to be a full blown coding modification. it sort of is possible, but incredibly not worth the time and energy it would take to re-code JO.


darth cape: you'd have to create a new model. i dont know what JO models are (ghost format), however you could probably start by downloading Milkshape and learning some basics of modelling. MS is shareware for 30 days.


chopping heads: its possible in quake to have one body w/ a different head. i havent looked into iet yet for JK2. ill get back to you.


who's kyp? if he's short, no.


hope that helps.



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thanks a million. it sheds major light in a dark area. i've already downloaded MS, so i'm messing around with it at the moment. so i'll post something from time to time, to let you know what's up. kype is a regular human. so it would be nice to see him. and it's to bad about the vong, they have an interesting story line. maybe the JO team will make and expansion with more skins. anyway, thanks again.



--adler reese

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