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Lame new groups


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Is anyone getting sick of all the new jk2 groups coming out that think just because someone tells them to stick a couple letters in front of their name it means they're somehow the 'elite' of jk2?


I'm almost embarrased for them. A couple of the "groupies" join a server, and start ripping on everyone else before they even play. Throwing 'n00b' all over the place, then when they finally get a chance to play they get a serious ass kicking, then everyone laughs, and they look utterly stupid.


Or you join a server, and there's a couple of them owning. Yet they can't shutup, and talk b/s about how they never loose, and they always 'own' the servers they join. Then you sit there, with your mouth shut, then your turn comes you cut them down and they never see the top of the scoreboard again.


So I just wanna say this, just because some random says "join our ereet group11! you can habe deez saweet lettrs!!1 - doesn't mean that you are in anyway good. There's someone always better. But there's nothing wrong with groups, they're a huge part of the comunity, just don't automatically assume you're going to beat everyone who's not in one. You'l only end up looking like a complete tard.

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P.S. I guess lots of the "NEW" teams that show up are kind of annoying, especially after they loose and blame it on lag, or "wtf!? my keyboard jammed!!"..


.. Yet there are a good number of not-so-very-noticable teams with 'real' humility that don't brag all the time which I do consider a true value.




Cheers ;)

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Hmmm, seems as if there are a few that think by adding that they are sabre fighters who stick to a certain code, who don't actually respect those that they fight. Let's call them arrogant teenagers!


Most of those that want to fight by a certain code are those that love the Star Wars universe, and think to fight more like a Jedi, or a Sith would be the ultimate. Many of us know our abilities, I know I am quite ordinary in MP, so I don't go out and say i "own" you.


How dare you call them lame, you are then calling the idea of Jedi and Sith from the movies lame, so then you are calling Star Wars lame, so then why play a Star Wars game? You see how easy it is to make you sound like you should be the one not playing the game......


Let people play the game the way they want to, and not get all uptight about those that want to imitate the Jedi or Sith, most of us will take it in our stride that you want to kill us too. It is those that think you have to follow their code of conduct because they do, that think you are lame, etc.

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"How dare you call them lame"

lol, yes ok then mom


First, you got too much sw on the brain. I'm not even talking about people pretending to be evil sith or whatever. I'm talking about numbers of arrogant people that think because they're in some kind of group, that they are better than everyone else, and that all others must be 'noobs'.

And I'm only giving them advice so the next time they take a beating they don't look so stupid due to their big mouths.


So I dunno what you were on about, twas a good laugh tho. :D

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Just wanted to show you how easy it is to pay out on you for something so small. How to make a big deal out of nothing..


As for those arrogant twats who brag abnout how good they are, shame that it usually ends up that their age is bigger than their kills.

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Clans ( which I presume you are talking about) help increase an online game's longevity. It's gives people a reason to play and try and perfect their skills. I think some clans are just all talk and no action, however their will be some great ones out there, like their are on other online games:)

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yes, this is definitely true, and many of them have actual skills to back up their trash talk...hehe =)


the only time i trash talk is when i tell my friends that they suck, and that is just half jokingly ...i do that to lighten the mood when i beat them =P

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