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Doomgiver comm puzzle, what's the big deal?

Master Spiff

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I just got thru the infamous Doomgiver Comm puzzle this weekend, and I don't get what all the whining is about. I didn't know anything about going into it, just that there was some annoying jumping involved. I was expecting to be very frustrated for a while and have to save like crazy.


My first trip into the communications array control complex / bottomless pit of death, I carefully explored around, writing down where each little code symbol was for each color. Yes, I agree, there is no logic behind this perilous arrangement of "control" rooms. Very silly. I made one bad jump and went to bed because it was late.


The next day I went right in, made all the jumps, switched in the correct code, saved a couple times after a few jumps just to be safe, and it was over.


That was it? That was what everyone was whining about? Those were not difficult jumps. NONE of them were at the max jump limit.


Maybe it's harder on the more difficult settings. I was on the default. Unless the harder settings don't give you level 3 force jump before this puzzle, I don't see what all the complaining is about.

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I agree,


There have been lots of reviews bashing the "CAT LIKE JUMPING"

puzzles and this is the only one that I think could of been what they were reviewing.


It wasnt that difficult to complete, and my only gripe with this was the layout. Who in the BLUE HELL would design an area for the empire if you needed to manually set the communication array. On the lower level there are 1 or 2 tech officers standing at the console.. HTF did they get down there.

Man, at least put some ladders on the map and make it more realistic or better yet get rid of the technicians, they didnt need to be down there. It sort of reminded me of the movie "Water World" where the old guy was in the bowels of the ship keeping inventory of the oil, thats all he was good for.


Still a fun game tho..

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the only max jump i did on that level was getting back up from the secret area, but the first time i did it i jumped out fine (and i later hit teh wrong key and died) but the second time after i went back after my death, i had a tougher time jumping out..hmm....oh well i eventually got out....


i had heard people whining about the comm array before, and when i did get to it, it was extremely anticlimatic...wow....you jump to some walkways and hit some buttons..


now, if you had to do a certain sequence, that would have been a different story...


overal, the layout is extremely gay, but so is the rest of the layout of all fps games (definitely this one) that have 'puzzles' (or secret areas for that matter)

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I thought it was easy. The only thing that I didn't like is that the whole time I was playing that part I was thinking "Why in the hell would you build a ship where you had to reset the comm system like this?!" You'd have to be a Jedi to work it.

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