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I have gazed into a world the like of which we were not meant to see! **Spoilers**


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Originally posted by enDless_Deliriu

hmm, wonder who the first sick fanboy is going to be to make Tavion replace Kyle's model so at the end

they see her kiss Jan and kill Desann to become the master.



Wonder if it'll be me..doubt it, too lazy to try it...or am I? ;)


damn....i'm a bad BAD person


seriously, i found the npcs.cfg...and tried changing kyle into a different model, but i still ended up with kyle....anyone wanna post a proper guide for editing this file?


puh-leeeze ^_^

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Originally posted by Pseudofun


damn....i'm a bad BAD person


seriously, i found the npcs.cfg...and tried changing kyle into a different model, but i still ended up with kyle....anyone wanna post a proper guide for editing this file?


puh-leeeze ^_^


me2 still only kyle :-(

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Editing the npcs.cfg file never worked for me in single player (though that's how I did the Jan/Tavion swap and kept Desann and Kyle in the right proportions). Instead, I extracted the models/players/kyle and desann folders, switched the names, then made them into a new pk3 file which I put in my base directory (to do this yourself, make sure you preserve the directory paths of the folders in your pk3 file (btw, a pk3 file is just a renamed zip file). Easiest way is have the files your working with uncompressed in a folder somewhere and, when your done editting, drag them all into a winzip window to add with the path info).


A couple of things to note, Desann is in reality a little bit shorter than most of the characters but he's scaled to look bigger (just if you start swapping things around and wonder why the model in the Desann character was suddenly bigger). Also, loading savegames made with other models (including those automatic start of level ones) screws up the weapon positioning on the model, making saber combat impossible. If you change the model, start the game from scratch and use the map command to jump to levels if need be and it'll work fine.


Really though, there's nothing to stop you from playing through the game as any of the characters in this way.

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I've been trying to get it to work, and it keeps messing up.


The funniest was, the cinematic model for kyle was just a floating head. The in game model, was just a wireframe type thing.


Gonna keep trying though.


Do you rename the models folders in the assets0.pk3? or do you completely take the folders out of the assets0 and put them in a dif pk3.


Just curious on the exact steps done. :)

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You copy them out of the assets0.pk3 (but leave them in) then put them into a new pk3 file. The game loads up the stuff in the two assets files as a sort of default base for the game settings then reads stuff in the other pk3 files in over it, so don't alter your original assets files or you won't be able to set the game back to normal without reinstalling.

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