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Dark side skin


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OK people, calm down.


For one thing, all any of us are doing is recoloring a model. There won't really be any decent "skinning" until we can edit models/animation.


Secondly, give the man some credit. Skinning isn't the easiest thing to do, and he didn't do THAT bad of a job.


Please don't turn this thread into a flame war.

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Originally posted by SEPtIc cHiLD

umm...you've just re-coloured some of the original skins, what did that take you, like 5 minutes?

Well, you ****, I din't recoler the face, true I recolered the hair, but that's just for alpha staging. So shut the **** up if youi don't even reconize the difference between a recolored face and an original one.

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Originally posted by Lime-Light

That lame shirt doesnt really match the head, i dont know what you could replace it with. Hey! maybe you could steal Septic's shirtless Darth Maul and re-color the tatoos for your model!

Stop insulting me if you don't even know if I recolored it or not.


But I think it's a compliment if my face is so good, you think raven did it !

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Grafox, it's obvious that you recolored the skin. Why do people not like it when people recolor stuff? Because it's totally unprofessional, and borderline unethical.


If you were Leonardo Da Vinci, would you want people taking the Mona Lisa, coloring her hair purple, and passing it off as their own work?

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Originally posted by Goreld

Grafox, it's obvious that you recolored the skin. Why do people not like it when people recolor stuff? Because it's totally unprofessional, and borderline unethical.


If you were Leonardo Da Vinci, would you want people taking the Mona Lisa, coloring her hair purple, and passing it off as their own work?

??? Isn't that what RAP and (current) R&B is based on???


Reworking an exsisting peice and just changing the colors are different things. He obviously Reworked the face. I like it, just need to lighten it a bit. In game if someone has a lower texture quality they will see no features at all.

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its not my style, but i like it. the face is good.


my suggestion for the shirt: when you texture it, double the size first. then texture then shrink. it'll look less like burlap then. unless thats what youre going for.


messers negativity: two words. any warhol.



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Originally posted by Goreld

Grafox, it's obvious that you recolored the skin. Why do people not like it when people recolor stuff? Because it's totally unprofessional, and borderline unethical.


If you were Leonardo Da Vinci, would you want people taking the Mona Lisa, coloring her hair purple, and passing it off as their own work?




Have you seen any skins with a scar over their eye, no, so shut the **** up. I did the face entirely myself!!

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Originally posted by Vandori

Not bad at all.

I'd say though, thin out the scar (It's a scar, right?) some, it's a bit thick.


Keep at it, you've got talent. :)


Thanks, I knew there was something wrong with the scar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Thanks!

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